Mirena (UID) question?

some people told me that my partner will quality the strings of the UID is this true? is there any means of access not to have the strings in the UID?



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I own had the IUD since March 2004 and my husband cannot discern the string at all. The single time the guy would be able to get the impression the string is if the doctor cut the string too short, which will make the string firmer and it will stick in the come first of the penis during penetration. Also, the guy can consistency the string if the IUD come loose or shifts. The string is the same as fishing file. (to experience the feel of a string too short, clutch a piece of fishing line and cut it short after stick your finger to the tip of the string, that's how it would feel to the penis.) When inserting the IUD, the doctor should know what down the string should be and he will show you and tell you adjectives about it. (Its certainly two strings that's connected to the IUD)

Hope this helps.

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You hold to have strings or the doctor can't remove it. I've hear they soften over time or you can bring them trimmed. But yes I've heard your partner can get the impression them sometimes.

My friend and her Boobs.?

If the strings are too short they may poke him, otherwise they usually dont feel it

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I have have an IUD for 4 years now & the strings enjoy never been a problem for my husband. If the strings are too long & your partner can touch them, your Dr can trim them down. You have to enjoy the strings so that you can make sure to be precise in place respectively month as well as the strings are how your GYN will remove it if you opt to have it taken out.

A put somebody through the mill about woman's genitals?

I am a nurse and a proud user of Mirena. Well at first it is thoroughly likely that your partner will discern the string. And yes the strings are needed in order to remove the IUD undamagingly. However, I have discovered that after a few months of wearing an IUD the string in actuality ends up coiling around your cervix. Therefore, the strings are out of the way!

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I have my Mirena strings trimmed twice after I had it inserted. I've have it for 2 years now and adjectives is well.
My period finally stopped,too! Hooray!
Good luck

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