My gf doesn't go and get a term I consider? women please?

Ok I have been beside her for 6 months and it seems like she have never had a period. I asked her and she said she have. but we have sex every second day so when I wonder? she is really small 5-2 95 lbs. are women this size different? Is near something wrong with her? she is 25 can she have children? I only don't know I am really wondering. She says she is fine but this is really different from what I know about women.

Answers:    Unless she's have a hysterectomy (not likely at her age), she is probably having period as she says.

Some women have extraordinarily light periods. Women enjoy sex on their periods all the time, and regularly guys don't notice. It's not like you dribble streams of blood or anything, it all comes out slowly.

Some kinds of birth control pills engineer you have periods merely once every four months or something like that.

She probably just removes her wad or tampon when she knows you are going to have sex so she or you aren't embarrased by it.

Her freight sounds reasonable for her height and shouldn't own anything to do with when she has her length.

Athletes in heavy physical training, or women who are anorexic or undernourished sometimes quit mensturating for a time, but that doesn't sound like the travel case here.

She is probably just being discreet to avoid the embarrasement of removing her tampon surrounded by front of you..
Dont stress out you can both be truthful with each other.
I say aloud if she said she has her period after she does.
Do you use a condom??
If not then she would most certainly be on the pill that passageway she dosn't have her period or hold to worry about getting pregnant short using a condom.
And no women are all pretty similar when it comes to their period, some enjoy heavier flows than others but different sized women still get one, its a normal stage of womanly life.
If she is on the pill, she can basically opt when she 'wants' to be on her period. However, she cannot not have one..

I'm not right on sizes.. therefore i do not know how big she is from those measurements, and i am not insinuating anything, but could she possibly be, or have be anorexic? Girls who have suffered from anorexia have a great unpredictability of becoming unfertile, and therefore do not have period..
Absence of periods called amenorrhea. It could be a problem for adjectives reproductive function but in most cases it could be successfully treated with modern tablets. Discover everything in (just read everything carefully and you would take what is wrong with your girlfriend): if she cant have children, I'm sure you "other woman" can!!

EDIT! ha ha me too sadie, this is a nouns of crap!
if your gonna lie make sure you do it right! lmao.
All women catch there periods. Maybe hers is merely irregular. HAHAHAHAHA I READ YOUR OTHER QUESTIONS
You are full of crap

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