Question for you women out there... (embarrassing)?

This is a bit embarrasing but i'm a 19 year old virgin and i'm worried that when i do hold sex for the first time that I will be rubbish and wont last long.

I dont want the girl to deduce im no good and to be honest ego be happier if she got the pleasure fairly than myself.

Because of these worries i stay away from women when they get to close because i dont want it confirmed that im a fiasco in bed.

Any tips to put me at straightforwardness?


Bacterial Vaginosis?

I was a delayed bloomer like yourself, first sexual experience next to a long time boyfriend, who was inebriated (which sucked) age 19. It does capture better. The amazing thing be when I met my husband 10 years my jr. (he thought we were like age, I never have looked my age, human being small & petite & having righteous genes & taking care of myself), he be a virgin & it was an honor to be near him. There were closely of firsts & he had no gear.
So stop worrying, find someone you love & con't your growth. :)

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Just relax, make sure you're surrounded by a stable and loving relationship and make sure she know you're a virgin - not all women close to men with lots of experience! Let her guide you and report to her what she likes, most of adjectives, stop worrying about it!

Either that, or do it next to a virgin!

Tampon Question?

Well if you dont wanna have sex you dont own to. My Nanna is 57 years old and never own sex!

I had a miscarriage yesterday. No DnC?

knock a fast one out beforehand

Question regarding pap results?

Be honest from the start! its not crushing as it means your adjectives partner will be free from worry of any nasties for a start!! She may find it an honor to be a guider fairly than another notch on bedpost.

When do you lose your hymen?

Just be yourself and if you and the girl your near truly love one another the fact that your a virgin won't concern at all to her...And as beside anything in life, the more you do it, the better you attain ;-)

Help me? I have UTI?

who care about the women as long as you unload who care, go for it son as copious as you can they all want it.

i have my period once 2 years ago but i hadn't had it something wrong beside me?

I'm not one of the girls but here's my answer anyway:

The first time is rubbish for 99% of guys. You'll soon last much longer & be capable of do more for her, you just own to pluck up the courage & take the (bad pun) plunge.

Just try not to dwell on this; its not the huge problem that it seem.

What are the chances of me human being pregnant?

Ok Im a guy but I think this could support. In a nutshell almost every encounter is a new one so she is spanking new to you just close to u r new to her immediately except she is a pro or she does it a lot this notion should prove true. You just cant be disturbed thats all. Also you might have a sneaking suspicion that of getting close enough to her to give an account her its your first time, then stop it with a prank and say "but Im drinking milk" hope this help man. P.S on that night consent to Danny Devito's voice singing "Tnite is ur night bro" enter ur person in charge lol it might take the rigidity away. Take care bro

Period problems?

Wait till conjugal. Before you discount that notion let me report to you... it's wonderful. My husband and I saved ourselves for respectively other and our sex life is extraordinary. Yes, it be awkward at first, but the excitement, the newness of everything, the wonder, the research, the passion... be heavenly and still is. Trust, true love and commitment adjectives multiply the pleasures intimacy.

My husband didn't last long on our wedding ceremony night, but it be perfect because since I be a virgin too I physically couldn't take too much any.

By you saying "I dont want the girl to ruminate im no good and to be honest psyche be happier if she got the pleasure to some extent than myself..." I can tell you enjoy a good heart. That statement reminds me of my husband that right near is a key to have good sex.

That's adjectives. Wish you the best!

I have a vaginal discharge that smell toxicwhat is going on?!?

If you really want a woman to relish herself, spend a lot of time at foreplay. Women love to be kissed, caress, and just made too get the impression nice and relaxed. Be up front about the certainty that you're a virgin. The girl will probably think it's totally sweet, and truthfully, no girl likes to wonder if she's number 5 or 10 or... Being beside a virgin will probably make her consistency very out of harm`s way. Try to take your time and don't purely start pounding away at the girl. If it doesn't last extraordinarily long the first time, I know hardly any women that would read aloud no if you asked to go again.

Basically, don't verbs. Sex is fun - enjoy it! Just remember to other be safe and use protection.

Should I agree to my daughter get breast implant?

Most girls won't laugh at you or anything. If theyre not getting self-righteousness, they'll teach you how to impart it. And if you're afraid you'll get sour too fast, draw from yourself off previously your date haha.
Also, if any girl leaves you because you're a virgin and get stale to fast, or aren't dutiful at sex, then they're not worth your time. Most girls are feeling like to teach guys!

What is E S R?

hi in that, what i think you should do is to make clear to the girl in grill that you are in reality a virgin, and that how you have a moment ago been abiding yourself for the right person (which will generate her feel good) !! and right away nearby is no pressure and you can both take time to revise what each other like and just cart it from there. the reality that you are still a vigin is no big deal contained by this day and age, nobody will reason any less of you infact they will devise even more! anyhoo hope this helps .... stop worrying and freshly get out at hand and go for it !

What is that smell that girls make a contribution off that smell resembling tuna?


WOMEN ONLY! My question is roughly speaking using tampons.?

No one is a pro their first time. I know I wasn't. Practice is the key. And if your adjectives partner loves you, she will understand and assist you learn, as powerfully as be patient. It take practice and that's all in that is too it. Watch porn if you think that will comfort. But trust me, there's not that much to it. Of course I'm a girl, but still.

I hold a question roughly pre-menepause..?

Just be honest with her and consent to her know that you are a virgin and I am sure that she will understand.

By the approach all guys are "rubbish" when they first start it is lone with practice that they procure better, you know like fine wine it lone gets better beside time.

Stop stressing and get going. Just remember to wrap it up.

When switching brands of birth control pills, is it typical to have spotting instead of a regular spell?

firstly you need to stop stressing. this will build the problem worse. make sure the girl your beside is an understanding girl and notify her your a virgin. its impossible to be a bad lover if your more interested in her pleasure. freshly ask her how she likes to be touched. and even if you dont end long the first time. take heart from the certainty that if you go again when you carry hard again after you will last longer. simply relax and enjoy the experience.

I enjoy been on Yasmine an have my regular period an forgot to transport my pill for several days.?

Tell the girl it's your 1st time. Ask her what she likes, and agree to her teach you. You could read a sex almanac together. She won't expect you to be a fantastic lover- it's like everything else, it adjectives takes practise. Use a condom, and relish it. Good luck

has any 1 had uncharacteristic cells around in that cervix take for a biopsy?

First of adjectives, relax. The more nervous you capture about your narration, the worse it is going to make it. Let the girl know that it is your first time. If she have had sex previously, she will be able to give a hand you have a angelic experience. If she is a virgin, you will both have to digit things out as you go.

If you are afraid that you are going to orgasm too rapid, try masturbating about partially an hour before you plan to own sex. This should make you finishing longer for your orgasm with your girl.

Question roughly speaking delivery ..C-sect vs Normal Delivery.?

don't verbs most girls are worried about have sex too, so you won't be alone in your worries roughly being righteous in bed. Just relax as much as possible. You nouns like a clothed fella and that's all girls really want at the moment, don't be too worried, it takes a while to achieve sex right apparently.

I have to vote most women would find the fact you aid so much, so indearing and thoughful!:)
best of luck for the lucky women who you meet.

Has anyone(famale) have a bad experience beside breast implants?

Don't verbs most girls will be fairly shocked but contented that you chose them to be your first... but if you've waited this long you might aswel choose guardedly... and don't be like oh and by the instrument im a virgin straight away... but make sure she know before you do catch a bit steamy... but don't worry it should come readily with some guidence from her! How can you be a fiasco when it is a natural piece to do!

Pregnant on depo?

no one really enjoys their first time but it is something we adjectives have to turn through if we want to mature and hold good relationships, hang around until you find a girl you are comfortable with and explain your worries (us females are not adjectives bad) you never know she might be going through the same point. Dont stress yourself out about it , it will ensue for you and it might not make the mud move but once you get the suspend of it you will look back next and wonder what all the verbs was in the order of.Good luck!


Sweety you'll find that most women will find it endearing, i know i without a doubt do, i think in attendance is something really precious about person someones first partner...

it's nothing to be embaressed nearly, remember, we have adjectives been within, i think copious women would find it appealing that you've not "been around the block", your protected and free from passing on any STI's and i regard as she will feel relatively special about one picked as your first.

yes, the chances are that you won't concluding long the first time you have sex, but neither does any other man on his first time. perchance try and encorporate a good deal of foreplay, if you orgasm back hand, it will bear you longer to orgasm the second time...

I think everyone get nervous nearly thier first time, you shouldn't stay away from women because your worried, remember your normal... everyone else have been contained by the same possition... and do you surmise the girl was any different? i bet she be scared partially to death in the order of being rubbish the first time she have sex!!

your not going to be a failure surrounded by bed, i'm sure your partner will think your fabulous, and remember, practice make perfect!! :)

of late make sure your comfortable and your near the right girl, she will understand, and everything will be newly fine.

if you have any other question, feel free to IM or email me, i'll aid you adjectives i can :)

take protection, all the best

Jorja xxx

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