Bacterial Vaginosis?

So, last month I go to my doc because my boyfriend smelled some odor 'down there'. I be told I had bacterial vaginosis. No, it is not sexually transmitted, and my boyfriend is the first guy I've be with within a long time.

I took my meds they gave me and the problem seem to be fixed but, the symptoms started again. I went put money on for a follow-up to be sure if it had gone away or not. It any did and I got it again or it have not gone away at all...

My boyfriend and I don't use condoms. Pregnancy is not a concern and we enjoy both tested clean for STDs, so we don't option to use protection.

What is going on and why does this persist? I am a VERY verbs person and I don't appreciate why it is still going on? Any advice, tips or experience?

Please, no unpleasant comments.

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The best way to prevent repeated bacterial vaginosis is to treat the initial episode with the most forceful regimen. Metronidazole (500 mg orally twice day after day for 7 days) has the lowest comeback rate among antimicrobial regimens for bacterial vaginosis :
When bacterial vaginosis recurs, providers should confirm the diagnosis , identify and control risk factor for recurrence while retreating bacterial vaginosis . If the diagnosis is confirmed and retreatment falls, consider suppression next to metronidazole 0.75% vaginal gel for 10 days followed by twice weekly administration for 4 to 6 months . No evidence supports treating sexual partner or administering oral or vaginal Lactobacillus acidophilus, but recolonization with vagina-specific lactobacilli (L crispatus and L jensenii) is undergo Phase III clinical trials.

Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the tang of the vagina changes, cause of this may include: -

* Sex without a condom, when semen enter the vagina.
* Using too many sweet-scented soaps or bubble baths.
* Douching (washing out your vagina).
* Using the coil / I.U.D.
The acidity (pH) of the vagina alters at different stages in the menstrual cycle and this may be another basis why the bacteria multiply. However, bacterial vaginosis can develop minus any of these causes.
Bacterial infection tend to occur contained by women who have regular sex. The infection DOES NOT procure passed on to the man.

Treatment options for continuing bacterial vaginosis are currently limited. Tinidazole MAY BE a adjectives option contained by women with many bacterial vaginosis.


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i got this from a website

It is not deeply clear how a woman gets BV, however women are at an increased risk next to multiple sex partners, douching and using an intrauterine device (IUD) for contraception. While doctors do not know how much sexual amusement plays in the commonness of BV, it is known that women who own never had sexual intercourse are severely rarely artificial with this infection.
run to for more info

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BV is a vastly common infection for women. It occur when the balance of "bad" germs outweighs the "good" bacteria surrounded by the vagina. Recurrence of BV is also quite adjectives, so don't take it too instinctively. Retreatment is normal. When you jump for retreatment if you tried the oral treatment the first time (most often, metronidazole), I don`t know you could try the vaginal cream (Metrogel) instead and see if that clears it up better.
You might try abstaining from sexual contact during treatment.
Sometimes the infection can be triggered by another medication that you may be taking or maybe the pH of the vagina is mortal disrupted by over cleansing or use of irritating products. Anyway, I know it can be frustrating, so I hope that you get this sorted out soon. :)

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Although it is adjectives and can be because the balancte of bad microbes is high because upright bacteria is low, and no it isn't considered STD bu that does not mingy that that your boyfriend can not reinfect you even if he has no symptoms. If you own finished the flagile and are still not better or if you have another infection it may be that your getting reinfected from your boyfriend. To solve the accurate bacteria vs impossible...thing similar to probiotics are looking into the ph of your vagina contributing may help!

Hope you touch better soon!

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