Question regarding pap results...?

I am pregnant and at my first visit they did the standard pap examination. However, a few days later, the doctor's department called me and told me that it looked close to I had a yeast infection. I've never have a yeast infection and never showed any signs of having one. I merely wonder what could tip off the check results...


Ever Experienced This?

They probably did a culture at the same time, which may own shown some yeast. No, big deal and it's majority for woman who are pregnant due to the hormone changes. Another point to remember is if the pap comes back impressive, this is usually and I stress the word USUALLY normal for a pregnant woman due to the hormone conveyance as well. If you still touch a little timorous then consult your doctor.

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These are especially common contained by women. If you want to know what caused yours ask your doctor.

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Probably something in the culture and he may have notice the discharge looking like a yeast infection or even merely thicker then it should be... consequently of course he would enjoy double checked that. Not a big deal! Pregnancy will do that to ya!
I instinctively never get any itching or burning one and only symptom I get is the super gummy (I am naturally gooey, sorry to get to personal) discharge.. not even the cottage cheese... so I enjoy to keep and eye out for change in my discharge, otherwise I would never know. SO even though YOU don't know it he probably see something "off" and checked.

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