Is it safe to have sex while menstrating?

is it safe to own sex while you're on your period? is near anything to be worried about?

Is it ok to not take/miss the placebo pills at the finish off of a birth control pill pack?

It just disagreeable as hell. Make sure you let the guy know. When I be 15 this girl didn't tell me and we have sex on my WHITE SATIN Comforter...yeah, not a good look.


Yes it is safe and sound. It can be messy but otherwise it is fine to have sex next.

I need some give a hand?

Safe as in not getting pregnant? I'm not sure. But as for medical reason, I don't think at hand is anything wrong with it. Of course its going to be alittle messy so a moment ago be prepared for that.

Libido non existant?

Yes, it is safe.

The singular thing to be worried roughly is pregnancy, so be sure he uses protection. You can wear a regular tampon to avoid the mess.

How can i shorten my period/lighten it?

Yeah but its kind of objectionable i would not do it. just try to dawdle.

will lack of iron stop my extent?

it is still possible to get pregnant, though unlikely. it is no different from any other time of the month (aside from the mess).
put a towel on the bed.

Bladder problem?

I conjecture it is. My gf and I do it in the shower while she's on her spell all the time, and she hasn't have any complications that I know of.

when you're on you period your likelihood of getting pregnant are less than 1/10th of a percent. on your most fertile light of day of ovulation your chances of getting pregnant are 33% at most. It's a obedient scare tactic to let somebody know girls it's possible at any time of the month though, and not tell them the actual probability.

help im scared please dont enunciate i shouldnt have i kno i shouldnt own but now im panicky?

Be worried about the bed linens. Otherwise, you're fine.

girls, does have your period generate you feel repulsive?

I wouldn't do it, but SUPPOSIDLY it *intensifies* the pleasure... I wouldn't know.

Hi, to women out there, will you dance to a male OB-GYNE doctor for a prenatal check up and transfer?

Just as safe as have sex any other time of the month. You still have equal risk of getting pregnant or getting an STD, and you might stain the sheets too. Just take adjectives the precautions you would use at any other time of the month, and lie on a towel.

Am I pregnant or not?

yeah it safe and sound, but gross

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