help im scared please dont say i shouldnt have i kno i shouldnt have but now im scared?

ok i gave this girl from korea my address so we coud snail letters but now im anxious thinging what is she wasnt a girl and he or she is from america im so scared she showed me lots of pictures of her but im not sure presently im scared outta my wits! please im one and only 13 what do i do


HELP >> my skin colour is really pale !?

communicate your parents, now.

Tampon Qustions?

What are you discussion about. I muse you tell your parents dont gossip or mail to her or him anymore they can hurt you. Listen to us plz enlighten your mom then.

Why do i perceive like this?

tell your parents... You HAVE to... tell them.

Ladies please lend a hand (a little graphic guys shouldn't read)?

Tell your parents. Call the FBI.

How do you no when you are ovulating? is at hand a specific time that this occurs? are nearby symtoms?

You really shouldn't have done that. You don't know the character. She doesn't know you. How can you believe that they are who they say they are? If I be you, I wouldn't write to them, especially about anything personall.

uhoh menstrual problems aid please..?

that sucks. you should never give anyone your address. I suggest you should tell your parents, i be set to its probably nothing, but if it is, they should know.

Know of a unprocessed feeling and important condom from a woman's perspective?

tell youre parents now why are you youthful people on here adjectives the time anyhow its not safe for god sake go bring up to date youre parents now

Hurting sexxx?

Talk to your parents. You may reflect they'll be mad but I bet they're really proud you be brave enough to bring up to date them.

What do "doctors" do with human fetuses after abortions? How do they dispose of them?

Tell your parents right very soon. They will keep you undisruptive. Please do not give out your address again, in that are some weirdos out there.

Menstrual Cycle & Birth Control Pills?

Don't verbs; death comes to us adjectives. That's assuming the girl from korea is really a guy from america who is crazy. Now you know not to give your info away!
But no business what, 20, 30, 60 years from now(probably more like 70 if you're single 13,) you're gonna die. So get over it.

Why does it hurt?

UH OH! Tell your parents as soon as possible!

Is it possible to squirt minus orgasming?

You should explain to your parents, so they can help you. They may receive a little ticked, but they have need of to be aware of what could happen! They will return with over it. Don't make it worse by not recitation them. Promise you won't do it again! And then DON'T! Besides that, if you be my child, you wouldn't even be on here!

How can you stop your period next to natural stuff?

Sorry but you've should of specified better. Have you ever heard of nation being snatch because of info they gave out I don`t know you'll be smarter next time.

What is mingy by pyar?

You gave someone your address over the internet? Dude, not a thoroughly wise move. Who know how many race will get a hold on that information. Well, adjectives I can say is skulk and see. I highly doubt that this "girl" will even use your address. Who know, maybe it be a cop pretending to be a "stalker" dude, to see how gullible kids can be. Next time, be a little more vigilant. There isn't anything you can do right now, besides dawdle. Maybe you should also tell your parents, so if they find something in the communication, they will know what happened.

streach results on your breast?

lol just be more aware of ur surroundings. if you see someone thats around ur neighborhood or be ever u live that u've never seen past just preserve an eye on them. and if you havent told your parents then that would be honourable idea so that they are aware of this also. they could also dispense you some advice on what to do after they endow with a lecture nearly what u did was wrong lol capably good luck!

Can I cart tylenol when taking fosomax?

relax, chances are she's not going to show up on your door step, did you catch her address? wait and see if she mail you, i say don't verbs about it, unless you see some weirdo around your house later you should tell your parents. within the future think twice who you give your address to.

Girs: Kick contained by the balls?

i would put in the picture your parents..
did you show any pix of you?
they know your address, but if they dont know what you look like.
the first entity i would do, is TELL MY PARENTS!!

(and you could write back saw you had lied around ur age and that you were 20 something and right to be heard ur married or something like that)

i'm 13 too and i know roughly speaking worrying about this stuff. email me if you wanna ask somemore.

Hey Girls, what are some righteous work out songs?

Tell ur mother,and dont EVER do that again. Have ur mother tell her u can't receive, MAIL,PHONECALLLS, or E-MAILS

How do u prevent the cramp?(only females plz)?

DON'T FUSS DUDE! Just play Internet - she he or it would be very unlikely to come in the vicinity you if you show them a TOTALLY DAMN UGLY photo back near the attachment, Sorry I am the most ugly man within the world and I was ashamed to distribute you a true photo earlier.


Please if you are maxim the truth go to the police fast do NOT wait. There are various many perverts out here and one of my best friend's 12 year old be kidnapped and raped over and over next killed surrounded by a slow very tender way so please don't jape about this jump to the authorities NOW

I want to know what is wrong with me?!?

Beacause of your age I would asked my parents first and gotten their judgment. It's possible that this person is a manly stalker so please be careful. I would collaborate to your parents or someone you trust like a don or a adult friend to see what they can do and to see if they can back you probably they can help you variety sure that it's a true person that truly needs a friend and it's not a man. You can seize pictures of girls very confidently offline and make it your identity. I know this because when I do projects for academy and I have to draw from a picture of a president or someone skateboarding it's very smooth to get it online (but I hold to state the source ;D ) please be careful!!

I don't know what is wrong near me, but I am mad adjectives the time. Is there anything I can do.?

what a silly girl. lock your doors. and grow up and start using adjectives sense. oh and again, grow up.

Scared about this! (girls only)?

Oh no. Just look out. You don't want another Jon Benet incident happening specially on you. Let your parents know. And subsequent time he/she gets within contact with you, income attention to what he/she says, if he/she keep on asking you personal questions don't confer it. Ask her questions that would verify that she really is indeed in Korea and she is the entity she is saying she is.But bottom strip let someone else know.

Should I move about to class tonight with these horrible cramps?

You might be over react and it's really a girl your age from Korea who wants to enjoy a pen pal. What make you think otherwise?

Put it this approach, if you're worried it's some sex offender who very soon has your address later why would he go to adjectives the trouble to find you when I'm sure a neighborhood close by will have 13 year infirm girls? (strangely enough, this is intended to be comforting to you but not to 13 year old girls contained by general.sorry)

It doesn't gross any sense unless you're not telling us the full story and you KNOW you gave out your address to someone you shouldn't own.

But just to be on the safe and sound side: Tell your parents what you did so they'll be on the lookout for anything out of the ordinary.

how much minimum size of penis require to fill a women?

that wasnt really a good choice. havnt you hear about adjectives those rapists and crazy people out within? but you should tell your parents, they'll relieve you (i don't know how though) just hold on to an eye out and see if someone is looking for you or HIDE!

Does it hurt to have an IUD put surrounded by and taken out?

TEll your parents. Its a bad item to do what you did and you should tell your parents back something bad happenes to you!

Vaginal Pain and Painful Sex?

People aren't lately being obnoxious when they vote DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR ADDRESS, REAL NAME, OR IDENTIFYING INFORMATION to people over the internet. There is other the chance - a particularly big chance - that they aren't who they articulate they are, and a lot of citizens have gotten hurt, raped, or kill because of this. Don't answer the door to people you don't know, don't seize in the sports car with race you don't know, don't accept phone call from people you don't know, and give the name the police if it seems that this entity is trying to contact you and is not who they say they are. And for the love of adjectives that doesn't suck, don't do it again.

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