How can i shorten my period/lighten it?

My period have been in actuality pretty short lately, like 3 days long. I devise cuz ive been working out more, but i want to take home sure it stays short.

My friend told me to take a hip bath without a tampon or anything becuase river will fill up and once marine leaves the body again it helps the blood flow. Will this in fact work? are there any other ways to save it short?

Is it possible?

hey chika,
have your doctor phone in a topical rx to the pharmacy of your choice.the name of the bc pill you want is Loestrin-FE.
when you rob that one you only will hold a 3 day extent.
just telephone the doc..he probably won't even want to see you for something like that.
or in that is a new one call Seasonale that cuts your period down to 4 times per year. yes that's right. 4 times per year!!

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I guess you are going too far near some thing that you should not even ill will with!

dayum my nipples of late turned purple and im horny and i didnt do ne tjing to them help!?

You could other STOP having a length. You can actually plan your interval. You simply keep taking the pill. No days bad. I used to do it all the time contained by the summer. One year I planned to have simply 3 periods. I asked my doctor in the region of it and she said it was fine. the one and only down side might be that your insurance company will not pay for the extra months' supply of pills.

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Just a curious question.?

Birth control can shorten your length, make it more regulated and blanch it. I have never hear of not giving the body a week off respectively month like the answerer above. I would manifestly ask a doctor before doing that but they do enjoy birth control pills now that you simply have your extent like four times a year. Talk to your doctor.

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There is some pills you can bring. Im pretty sure. Not just birth control but some other medication to shorten it. Im not sure what the name of it is. You can ask your doctor or a pharmacist, it might be over-the-counter.

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