Should I shave my stomach?

I have see hair so I've be contemplating shaving my stomach. Its not that bad so I want to know if it will grow rear legs thicker or as fast as leg hackle.

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if it bothers you wax it. it won't grow support thicker unless you are still going through puberty, in that case the down on your body may still be growing and changing, but within this case it will darken even if you DONT shave it. wax lasts longer and won't give up you with stubble or a impulsive. lots of women get that fine hackle on their tummies though, it's very majority... but it's totally up to you what you do about it. polite luck!

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shave it, and i deduce it will grow back...uh..thicker...

Vaginal Hair?

It will grow subsidise, I would just wax it

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Try using a depilatory cream or waxing first. Shaving tend to make the pelt coarser.

Vaginal itching?

try waxing

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The best thing is to use a depilitory...the hair usually don't grow back soft. They will come subsidise a little coarser...

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Wax it

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Dont shave it. It will grow back thicker and dark. Try some wax, or one of the hair removal creams, or simply pluck them out with tweezers.

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Yes it will grow rear legs thicker, once you start shaving an area you usually enjoy to continue the practice.

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Waxing is way better than shaving. You'll obtain stubble which isn't very nice nearby. Wax wax wax! (this is from someone who hardly wax though... take that as you will). It works though...

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Use a mane removal cream like Veet or Sally Hanson; creams are much better than shaving or wax. No that is a myth; it will not grow wager on thicker or darker. Several dermatologists hold told me it is a myth and they were right.

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i think that you should basically leave it. its kinda wierd 4 a girl to shave her shomack. Also it might grow put money on thicker and you dont want that!

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I shaved that procession below my belly button cause i be bored, anyways, it ended growing out even dark and thicker!
Try waxing it!

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I started doing that just because I be a little self conscious when wearing a bikini. I cessation up having to shave it every other year. But it does not seem to come subsidise thicker or anything, I just infer the stubble is unnattractive. It's like the stubble you find on your legs. I only shave right around my belly button because it's adjectives that's really noticeable. I hold a little bit overriding up to my chestline, but it's really fine and turns blond in the summer anyways.

Question girls ONLY!?

if you shave you will likely win stubble and ingrown hairs.Use a cream quill remover.or you could bleach it and get rid of the cloudiness.

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it won't grow rear thicker or fuller, but you may get heartless ingrown hairs. Depending on how sensitive your skin is you should try wax or hair removal cream. However both can generate you breakout a bit if your sensitive.

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I do and it does not come final that fast or glutinous because there isnt suppose to be tresses there.

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I used to shave mine, but using a depilatory cream such as Nair works much better!

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NO don't shave it!! it will grow surrounded by thicker and darker. try wax the area instead. by wax the hair follicle is removed and within time the hair will stop growing in. sure this may purloin a while but in the tight-fisted time it saves you from shaving for 3 weeks!

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don't will make it prickly

use Nair or wax it

Are in that any cons of waxing that I should know nearly before I do it?

I don't know if shaving is the answer. I don't achieve this ritual, but a friend of mine does. She dislikes hair on her body (apart from that on her head), so she will use Nair to acquire rid of the excess hair. It later takes longer for it to grow posterior. If you shave, you will have to do so more regularly and it may come in coarser.

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It will most expected grow back thicker and also dark. If you start shaving you will have to verbs doing it.If you have sensitive skin please don't wax,it will probably be better if you shave it however it will be a hassle to do it every time the down grows back.But next again even if your skin is sensitive its just a few sudden moments of pain near waxing.OK, I'm really confusing so I'll a moment ago give you a straight answer in a minute : wax it.Good Luck!!

I Need To Know!!Before my sister catches me please!?!?!?!?

I shave my unkempt stomach once in a while, and it's not thicker. It's impossible to tell apart before I shaved it.

I havent gotten my monthlys for months in a minute and please Im not pregnant?

it will grow as fast and as gelatinous as your leg hair

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Wax it or epilate it. Buy a Braun epilator if you want to remove it that way. Don't shave it because it will adjectives be back the subsequent week. I've heard that hair can eventually stop growing if you keep removing them by their roots.

Broken hymen?

dont shave wax

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