Would you(guy) date this kind of girl?

a flat tummy...but size 12 for bottoms...
2nd question: nil to do with 1st sound out..and what is the fastest way to craft my butt smaller...if you people know


Can i own my period bring back it on time and be pregnet?

Depends on your body shape. If your body is shaped close to a pear, then no. If your body is shaped close to an apple, then I don`t know. The size is important within the height/weight proportion. There is a weird strip of reality where on earth you can't lie to yourself if you're overweight, but at alike you can't obsess more or less losing weight drastically by pills or diet regulation or (sic) bulimia or anorexia.

The fastest way to manufacture you butt small, AND lose weight, and get the impression 110% better about yourself is swimming. Swimming utilizes almost every single muscle in your body and it's low resistance and low impact so you'll certainly tone your body into a tight package lacking ever feeling sore or ailing. Join a gym and do laps for an hour a year. You'll lose weight, you'll sleep better at dark, and the endorphins released from exercising will make you grain better all over.

Also, stop ingestion fast food or frozen food meal. Even the low calorie ones are not healthy. They hold tons of chemical flavor enhancers and bad oil and cholesterol. Eat more fruits and vegetables and lean meats, resembling chicken and fish and extra lean beef. Only eat things next to the least amount of ingredients.

I miss copious periods contained by a row I'm 18 and a virgin so I can't be pregnant why am I missing so many?

Make your butt bigger, not smaller.

24yrs hoary, my husband & i have be TTC 4 awhile now?

Couldn't utter. You haven't said anything about the type of personality that you are. Your body could be just fine, but:

nil personality = not interested

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