Vaginal itching?

This is a little embarressing, but I enjoy extreme external vaginal skin itching. I finally went to the doctor and get a complete well woman exam. No STDs or anything, whew. My doctor said it be just dry skin. Anyone else hold this problem? I've tried several different skin creams with little to no oblige. My doctor gave me Diflucan which worked great but consequently it came rear legs and I can't keep taking Diflucan forever. Any suggestions?

if I have a miscarriage at 12 wks and immediately get on birth control, is it possible that I can be sterile?

it sounds like a yeast infection explicitly why he gave you diflucan if you dont want to save taking pills eat yogart or frozen yogart this will lend a hand keep the infections away

Pregnancy and tubal ligation?

try trimming the hair
rub extreme moisture mitt lotion or repair lotion on it and your underwear

Worried about tubal procedure?

Try Vaseline, and be in motion to another doctor to see what else she/he can do.

What is wrong with me? i own been beside my husband for nineteen years i love him to bits,?

me it drives me nuts

why do ppl in my family conjecture i am anorexic?

Well, go for nivia lotion.
Best lotin in my inference. Also if you shave down there it can itch as it grows rear.

If only 17% of women enjoy an orgasm in an intercourse, later why do it?

Have you recently changed body soaps or laundry detergent? If you've be to the doctor and this has never happen to you before, this could be cause by using a product your body could be allergic to. Try using Dove Sensative Skin and switching to a nonperfume based laundry detergent.

Hope this help relieve the itching.

Is this normal or an infection??

A little babe-in-arms oil could aid. Vaginal dryness could also be from low estrogen levels within your body. Are you on birth control? You may ask your doctor to switch to a different kind of birth control next to more estrogen in it.

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