Is it true that if a girl drinks alot of water, her breast will grow big?

My friend brought up the subject and said that she was sent and email picture more or less it

how to gain weight nifty?

no definintily not i drink water every time and it dont help beside my growth of boobs

Birth control?

um, no. but drinking lots of water is suitable for overall health - skin, digestive system, etc.

Could I be pregnant?

No it wont fashion them bigger it can however make you retain river and swell , water is really vital, so drink lots of it.

Birth Control:Confusing packaging!! I took the wrong pill :(?

No, it is not true at adjectives.

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No it's really NOT true. I drink a lot of sea and my breasts don't grow..I just run to the bathroom to tinkle adjectives the time! :)

Is it normal to hold strong mood swings right after a menstrual cycle?

I WISH! If that was the overnight case with adjectives the bottled water out here you should see men and women with huge boobs. lol

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