Is it ok to just use the pill as your form of contraception?

i take it at exactly impossible to tell apart time every day and own only the one sexual partner whom im contained by a very stable relationship next it still necessary to use condoms?? or am i locked just using the pill?

I have my period finishing month from the 24th-31st, and as of today I am still kinda spotting and when i go to the?

According to Planned Parenthood, of 100 women who use the pill, solitary eight will become pregnant during the first year of typical use. Fewer than one will become pregnant with immaculate use.

Of 100 women whose partners use condoms, give or take a few 15 will become pregnant during the first year of typical use. Only two women will become pregnant with ultimate use.

If you are ONLY concerned with pregnancy, taking the pill is in truth MORE effective later using condoms. However, the pill does NOT protect against STDs.

I have instinctively been on the pill for 6 years presently. My fiance and I never use condoms and so far we don't have any kids all the same! :o)

Is it true that pregnant women smell worse down there than middle-of-the-road because they are secreting more fluids?

no. condoms guard against guys who never dust themselves

how much do you?

The pill is NOT 100% . If your really are worried then use a second form of contraception. The pill can loose it's efficacy if you take antibiotics or other meds. The pill also will not protect you from STD's.

What would be her probable condition?

u should be ok next to just the pill just if u keep one and the same partner

I am suffering significant hair loss?

You may hold only one partner. That does not guarantee that he have only one partner. Many masses people get hold of "mystery diseases" when their so-called monogamous partner brings home a "gift that keep on giving". I have lost count of the number of folks who I have agreed to have gotten HIV/AIDS while they thought they be in a monogamous relationship.

datibng give support to for mmeeeee?

I was have sex with singular one girl & she had ghonnoreah & chylmydia & swore it couldnt enjoy been her. Then she recall having a discharge (that I didnt know about) for over a year. Which be long before she met me. So peoples long-gone catches up beside them. I dumped her & she lost a good guy. Had she used condoms contained by the past it wouldnt own occurred this agency.

Why does your bladder have to be full for an ultra nouns?

As long as you are in a stable monogamous relationship, and are both free of any STD, yeast infection, etc., at hand is no reason why you should use condoms if you are on the pill. You may want to verbs to use them if you want to be doubly sure you are not going to get pregnant though, freshly in shield. They also come in handy if you want to enjoy sex during your period, they engineer for an easy verbs up for him.

Can you take your birth control pill if you havent started your spell?

Please use a condom as well. The pill is not 100% and even near a condom, it's still not 100%, but you will always be protected. Just because you individual have one sexual partner, merely use condoms, for at least a year. Get tested three times or more surrounded by that year to be completely sure that neither of you has an STD. Even if you be just using condoms as contraception, I would strongly suggest you find another form of BC, because condoms be made to protect against STDs, not just to prevent pregnancy. Make sure you both hold been tested a few times up to that time you even consider having sex in need a condom. Good luck! Please be careful.

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