Does the emergency room cut off ALL of your clothes, if so why and what situation constitutes this?

Do they ALWAYS do this and what situations do they do this?

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We only do it when taking time to remove clothing is detrimental to providing high-speed treatment. If your life is at risk a shirt or duet of jeans isn't nearly as important as a natural life! And yes, if theres a need to cut bad some clothing then ALL of it will be in motion with. Usually this happen with leading traumas, or other life threatening emergenices.

If it's a trauma, even if most of the injury is contained to one nouns of the body they still cut the rest off so the entire of the lenient can be examined to make sure no other injuries are present that wern't initially visable.

But sometimes it's by choice of the tolerant. I've had ethnic group break their arm badly and merely ask that we cut thier shirt off fairly than cause them the torment to try and move the arm to get the shirt rotten. So it's all situational.

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The solely time they cut off your clothes is when you hold a life threatening injury and it would give somebody a lift to long or is to dangerous to try to remove them customarily.

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No, they don't. If you go contained by there beside the sniffles, they won't cut anything off. If you stir in near with focal trauma, then they probably will. It's safer to cut them sour rather than try to move you around to remove them, and risk making your situation worse.

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if the clothes are in the style, you are bleeding, needing serious medical attention, they will merely cut away your victoria secret underwear, they don't strictness if cost $500 or not

one exception is if you have some race stripes in within, they refuse the operation and dispatch you home to die then

my mom warned me just about that

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They one and only cut off your clothes if here is a wound they need to achieve to if you are going into cardiac arrest or something.

Basically it is much faster to cut your clothes off than to appropriate them off. Your life span is much important than your clothes.

Lifeguards, similarly, will tweak off your snorkeling masquerade and throw it into the water because it obstruct breathing if they are rescuing you.

Breast tenderness?

not other -- but if they do -- you get a cute little gown to wear

ex may be-- sports car accidents and you are strapped to the backboard -- unresponsive patients -- burn victims -- any injury that it might do more wound trying to remove the garment normally

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They generally don't cut sour all your clothes, lone those they they can't remove normally and surrounded by the places they need to access. For example, when they call for to monitor your heart and you're unconcious or unabled to move, they cut off your shirt and bra to access your chest. If you broke your leg, they would cut bad your pant leg.

Bleeding between periods?

The clothing is usually single cut off when the injury is too severe to move the feeler to remove the clothing or if there is a time threatening situation that requires the clothing be removed IMMEDIATELY.
In most cases, if the injury is severe enough to require adjectives of the clothing, the clothing is probably damaged beyond repair anyway, so it would net little difference. And if a person's duration is at stake, what's a pair of jeans or a t-shirt worth at that point?

I haven't have my period surrounded by 3 months!! Help?

A patients clothing would only be cut bad if the situation forces them to do so as a last resort to avoid further injury to long-suffering for examination and to treat an injury.

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I be in an misfortune on a prom night surrounded by 2001. I was fine, conversation fine, cracking jokes even, i be a little freaked out and tramatized, but fine and they needed to cut my dress off!! I beg them not too!! they just kinda pulled if stale the opposite road they go on. Even though it be ruined i still loved it!

I guess they probably just consider on the situation, but thats to be expected.

No Period & NOT pregnant?

if it is a life or extermination situation, they will cut of your clothes but only the ones that have need of to be cut off. I be set to, if your bleedin on your chest then they would hold to cut off your shirt and stuff to give a hand you. And same with your leg. But they wont cut your pant off if youre bleeding on your chest. And they hold to do this because its their job and their supposed to do everything in their power to minister to you. But most of the time if your conscious, they will ask you if its ok that they cut your clothes so. Well I hope this helps.

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No. The only time that the emergency room cuts sour your clothing, if they haven't already been cut bad by EMTs and Paramedics, is when there is a trauma of some sort (life and release situation) and the patient is knocked out or is not able to clutch them off themselves (i.e. severe saloon wreck).

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