Does anyone know?

ok i started to take my birth control pills newly on monday, and i didn't take it prompt on saturday, i took it around 1:30 something @ midnight and i'm taking them like around 10:30 every time so does that count as forgetting the pill? also with the pill the being can come inside of you right??

What can i do if i just get my period and i hold to swim tomorrow and i can't use a tampon?

Right, and not taking @the same time every day is better than not @all, but you know its not 100% forceful any way, so try to do better!

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Sounds like you took it contained by time.

Also, it sounds like you hold not been completely informed roughly the birth control pill. It's only 99.9% accurate, so at hand is a small chance you can still acquire pregnant.

Here's a website you can look at to get the facts and the adjectives lies regarding the birth control pill. It's better to be fully informed.

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When you are on the pill they enunciate to take it at indistinguishable time everyday so you hormone levels are regulated and even. if you are constantly forgetting and taking it late you are decreasing the pills skilfulness to work properly. However taking the pill at the wrong time is not the same as missing the pill adjectives together.

As for having sex next to out a condom most pill packs and doctors utter you have to be on the pill for 1-3 months in the past having intercourse near out another form of protection.

Question on breasts?

My sister was on the pill and get pregnant all three times LOL I told her she would but didn't believe me in a minute she is a mom of three LOL she is a great mom too

Hi can you help me so that i can relieve my friend ?

everyone has answered the taking the pill prompt and missing a dose.also about waiting a minute the time comes you have wait and in the obsession of taking them regularly.YOU STILL HAVE TO PROTECT FROM STD's..practice

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