Hi can you help me so that i can help my friend ?

well i have this friend and she is slightly on the chubby side, but presently she wont eat and if she dose drink she makes her self sick and say she anorexic like its something to be proud of.
i'm so worred roughly speaking her what should i do?
she is 13
sorry about the spelling i'm 13 and enjoy lived in france for 8 years.

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You should talk to your parents in the region of this. Tell them you think it's serious and that you would approaching them to try and talk to her parents. If this doesn't work, cooperate to the guidance counselor at your school.

Other than that, try to be supportive of your friend. Give her encouragement that you are her friend and thinking about her no business what she weighs. Tell her how much she money to you and that you want her to be healthy.

If you live close together or you own recess at university, you could go for walk together to help her return with some exercise. Set a good example for your friend by adjectives back on second-hand goods food and trying to eat stout foods. Encourage her to do the same.

Most of adjectives, just consent to your friend know that you love her and that you're there for her.

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As malevolent as the concept is, you need to narrate an adult more or less her problem. If she continues on this path she WILL become in poor health and it can kill her eventually. Its zilch to be proud of, and certainly not on top form.

For your peace of mind and your friend's well-being, you need to explain to someone...your folks, her folks, a school counselor or the nurse. Someone within a position of authority to get her the relief she needs.

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I think you want to talk to her and transmit her that being anorexic is not a perfect thing that it is an bug that can cause individuals to die!.

If she will not listen and keeps doing it. Talk to your mom more or less it. Her parents need to know what is occurring so they can get her back.

Please do not feel that it would a betrayal of your friend. Her condition and life come up to that time anything else and if you really care give or take a few her you will talk beside a trusted adult who can speak to her parents...

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Try to teach her some in good health habits if she wishes to lose weight. Maybe if she does develop to eat something that's not-so-healthy, move about for a walk beside her after to burn it off. Girls are exceptionally heavily influenced by the media and own the wrong idea that anyone anorexic is glamorous. If she's 13, she's still growing. Remind her that she has PLENTY of time to grow taller and her immensity will probably even out. Being anorexic actually could generate you gain weight, bring up to date her that. Also, give her positive reinforcements in the region of her body. So what if she's chubby? Remind her that you're her friend no matter what and she's pretty! I'm sure the exercise will help a great deal. Let me know if you need assistance!

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If i was you i would incourage her to get through, Tell her how beautiful she look, and that everybody will never be like size, show her how u cares

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