What can i do if i just got my period and i have to swim tomorrow and i can't use a tampon?

tampons are absolutely out of the press. i know how and i've tried like a million times, and i even go to a doctor cause of it, and within's a actual physical reason that i can't use them, so don't inform me to just use a tampon.

but the article is is that it's not just that i enjoy to get surrounded by the pool and swim laps or doesn`t matter what cause that would be fine, but i'm going to own to get within and out of the pool and stand on the edge for a long time and things so i'll wind up up with blood running down my legs or something which would be really humiliating.

it's for a PE class at institution, and i know i could just make clear to the teacher that i'm sick or something and can't jump in the river, but i really really don't want to because besides that i don't want to have to truly say it, the class is single once a week and only for resembling 6 weeks and i really don't want to miss a class.

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For starters, it is nice to see you taking a break from a certain subject. From what I hold read from others, things happen. Do not have a feeling embarassed. You may not like to hear it, but you are no more special than anyone else that might experience alike thing. Ask your coach if you can reschedule swimming for a next day. Periods merely last so long. The coach will apprehend and if he/she doesn't, they are not doing a good undertaking of being a P.E. instructor.

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then make up a excuse that u cant shift im sure every one in ur status gets near period at some sunshine and its not a good view wearing a pad when u swim!

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I have a friend who actually wore wingless wad while swimming! She says the blood won't come out while you are contained by the water but when you attain up, the blood will just flow.. So, if you don't mind, wear a wingless wad..

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Im not sure what sort of physical reason would stop you using a tampon, unless you are a virgin next to a very sticky hymen. Would it be possible for you to use a small sea sponge instead? They are inserted similar to a tampon, but they are soft and squishy, so its easy. You can buy them adjectives over the place, one about the size of a golfball would be honest. YOu need to drizzling it first, then put it within. When you need to convert it, you can wash it and reuse it right away. If you dont resembling this idea, you can other tell your PE lecturer that its the wrong time of the month and you cant, a female educationalist will understand, and from memory if you enjoy a male don. you dont even need to enunciate it, just mutter"Cant swim today, womens troubles." Likely he will be embarassed and influence nothing.


Having a time of year in a swimming class in not an excuse but for some othe institution they prefer that student with a spell to have other projects related to swimming or simply have her present on that class and trademark other necessary things close to helping the teacher for checking classmates attendance.

But some books that I've read, wearing tampoons are required but you merely have to remove it after a required hours or you don't want to experience toxic shock sydrome.

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I agree next to Lauren, if you have a women instructor, just explain the situation she will completely know. And if you have a manly teacher, the words "woman troubles" will do the trick.

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DO NOT USE A SEA SPONGE!!! they can break up and if part of one broke rotten inside you, you would have to jump to the doctors to get it out.
you will own use a pad or skip the lesson.
so nearby IS something you enjoy after adjectives shadow of a girl. focus on it and maybe you will touch better!

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Well me n my friends enjoy this rly good point we use. Even though pads blow up surrounded by water, if you put one on surrounded by undies, then swimmer pant, then boardies or boy leg shorts (the more layer the better!) then u shud be right. Don't use this if it's too sweet tho... gd LUK mwa mwa xxx

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I hold wore pads since getting my time at age 12. I am now 22 and purely barely approaching two years ago wore tampons and I do not like them, but I will wear them at times. When swimming I used to wear pad, but when in the hose I never bled, you are right, it is waiting outside of the water. I would catch some boy shorts (black) and wear those with your suit and a smaller wad under that. The wipe gets really soggy and drizzly so do not use a maxi. Good luck.

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if you cannot or do not want to use tampons, thats ok. But you'll have to stay out of the hose for the day. do not wear a wipe with your swim suit. ugh, deem how unsanitary that would be, and you'd really just be ASKING for something shameful to happen. If you can't stand the thought of recounting your teacher the function you can't participate hold mum write you a note or purely simply tell the teahcer you enjoy "girl problems" they'll know what you mean, whether they are mannish or female. AND DON"T USE A SEA SPONGE UNLESS YOU WANT 1) AN INFECTION and 2) A TRIP TO EMERGENCY TO HAVE IT REMOVED (how crushing would that be?)

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If you own this problem documented at your doctors office. ring them ask them to write your pe teacher a information explaining your situation. then you dont hold to tell the lecturer.. YOu will learn that as you achieve older every girl get it and it shouldnt be embarressing. It really isnt a bif deal plus every one know girls your age have within period. in that is no way to pelt it.

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omg i have indistinguishable problem right now i simply had my mom e-mail my instructor and that was fine next to her but ask if u can make it up don't verbs the teachers completly comprehend even if it is a guy u will probably only miss one class so its not similar to ur missing a week like me :'( biddable luck

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