Female problem- odor?

It kind of embarrsing. 1st stale i am not sexually active. i am 20 yrs. prehistoric.
I have be with my boyfriend for a while and i have a sneaking suspicion that i am ready to own intercourse.
but i have a ODOR coming from my vagina, (i do go for a dip daily) i scared 2 agree to him go adjectives the way.

I hold had this odor for a couple of years presently, the doctor said everything looks fine.
I dont know if i am having discharges or lately from me getting arrouse.
also- it leaves stains in my underwear & odor.
Could it be-
~ I'm not cleaning myself good
~ or is it my pubic down thats giving off the doomed to failure smell. (should i shave it off.)
~ should I try another doctor

WHAT SHOULD I DO? within nneed of help breakneck. thank you so much


Has anyone tired the natural breast improvement drugs to get your boobs to grow? Did they work?

Stains in your underwear probably niggardly you should see a doctor. In the meantime, try using a spray-type shower head (the style with a hose and the shower commander you take stale and can spray where you want it) and a peaceable soap, wash every sunshine then rinse thoroughly. I've also notice that women who swim often, cart frequent baths (instead of showers) and/or use hot tubs (jacuzzis) usually have smaller amount problem with odor.

Also, don't rush into sex, because if you consistency self-conscious about your body it may stop you from have fun. But also remember that men are usually so happy that we want to net love with them, they don't fuss over things the agency we do. It's your SELF he is loving, not just your body. Good luck, hon.


I meditate some women just own a naturally stronger odor than others. Try some feminine spray, approaching FDS. I use it when I work out because I sweat and then grasp very smelly within that region. I get a stronger odor when I carry my period too, and the spray help ALOT! You can find the deodorant spray in the tampon aisle by the douche, condoms, etc.
And try douche. You don't want to do it every month, because apparently it kills worthy and bad germs, but it does help. You can also trim the mane down too.

Good luck, and don't worry too much, I doubt he will mind or even observe!

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I don't reason you should break out the douche, especially since you are not sexually active on a regular font. Yes some women do just hold a naturally stronger odor.

Hair does contribute to odor(underarms) especially when it's located within an area that's not exposed approaching the hair on our head. If you have slightly a bit down there try shaving it down(Noxema make these wonderful little bikini razors). This may help control odor. Also if you are prone to showers throw a hip bath in near every once in a while. Soaking down here can do wonders. Hope this helps and angelic luck!

PS. We women get so delayed on what our bodies look and smell like to the guys that we miss out on the fun division. What may smell weird to you may smell fine to him. Guys know we don't smell resembling rose gardens down there. Remember that. ^_^

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You may try using feminine mop up that using natural herb, one of it is Feminine Cleanser with Sireh Extract, a pH3.5 soap free formula next to Sireh extract (Piper betel) to protect, deodorise and keep the intimate nouns fresh and comfortable!

A mild, soap free formula that gently cleanses the vaginal nouns. Specifically formulated with Sireh extract (Piper betel), it protects, deodorises and keep the intimate area fresh and comfortable.

What is Sireh? It is Betel Leaf (Daun Sirih).
Its use can be tracked spinal column to over two thousand years ago, where crushed leaves be used as an antiseptic on cuts and wounds. In more recent times, it is used to freshen up the breath and to soothe mouth sores, and as a herbal wash for the intimate area

Time-tested benefits of Sireh:

o Natural antiseptic properties combat infections which basis irritation, unpleasant odour and vaginal discharge
o Astringent action help to tighten and tone the vaginal walls

Another one is Martina Martha Tilaar Rempah Cuci (60g) [Feminine Wash] - A Jamu products that are made from100% pure herbal ingredients.

A traditional preparation used as a feminine wash. Contains fragrant herb that have antiseptic and anti-fungal properties. This external preparation also help relieve excessive white discharges and itchiness in the vagina. Recommended for use after menstruation, childbirth and sex.

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