how can you cope with hot flushes after finishing oestradiol(HRT)?

i'm asking for a lady who presently is 56 years old

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Menopause literally means the ending monthly period of a woman's existence. Menopause occurs as the ovaries stop producing estrogen, cause the reproductive system to gradually shut down. As the body adapt to the changing level of natural hormones, vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes and palpitations, psychological symptoms such as increased depression, anxiety, irritability, mood swings and nouns of concentration, and atrophic symptoms such as vaginal dryness and urgency of urination appear. Together with these symptoms, the woman may also hold increasingly scanty and erratic menstrual period.

What should I tell girls if they ask?

I would own said alternative remedies, but these remedies have received unpromising press recently.

My warning; stay off the drink, wear loose clothing and drink plenty of sea. Try not to get stressed out and exercise regularly. Yoga is obedient.

Is there a pill for?

Best channel is to try and find ou what triggers them and avoid it.

I'm 5'3" and 97 pounds, what can I do to gain weight besides devour more?

well im going through the same piece your going through drink plenty of water wear loose clothing and lately bear it and i know its tuff lately hang within there and things will draw from better.. good luck!

Girls..Your Opinion?

You involve to use non-synthetic hormone replacements. I do and have found them brilliant. No side effects. Contact me for more information.

Sex Question?

I suggest the all-natural supplement Menopause Balance Complex.

This complex uses compounds found in plants call phytoestrogens to ease mood swings, sleeplessness, and hot flashes. Black cohosh is a clinically proven herb that help relieve hot flashes. Also provides soy isoflavones and flaxseed lignans. Also contains a proprietary phytoestrogen blend of dong quai, red clover, and licorice. No artificial colors, flavors or synthetic preservatives.

Hope this is useful and quality free to contact me with question or for the website.

Best Wishes

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