Can i have my period get it on time and be pregnet?


Anemia and Pregnancy.?

If you have a concrete menstrual period, you are surely not pregnant. This does not mean you can't experience bleeding during pregnancy--implantation bleeding during the first two weeks of the pregnancy, for example--but to enjoy a real term while being pregnant would stingy a miscarriage as a period sheds the uterine wall, which is what the fetus is attached to.

Hm, is this true?

No, thats impossbible..if you go and get your period while you are pregnant that way that you just have a miscarriage.

Not pregnant but want to produce breastmilk. Is this possible??

if you have yor piriod that funds that your definatly NOT pregnat..if you have your piriod that ability that your egg is not firtalized [sp] and that it will not become a baby, thats why you enjoy your piriod.

Took birth control pill for too many yrs.. developed foggy spot on my upper back.. Has this happen to anyone?

yes, you definitely can be pregnant and not enjoy a missed period. Be sure to win a pregnancy test after time of year is over and see your doctor if it is positive.


Possible but not probable. Next time be careful and be on the Pill and/or use condoms. Both is better as the Pill doesn't protect from diseases, and men can be carrier and not be affected by persuaded things. Better be safe than sorry, Best wishes

How long does it lift for wisdom teeth to come through properly?

Yes sadly you CAN get pregnant during your extent. Just because your flow started does NOT mean near is no egg to fertilize.

I wish ancestors would understand within own bodies BEFORE having sex. I tight-fisted you don't drive a car since learning where on earth the freaking brakes are do you?

Can a guy grow breast by taking birth control?

Yes, though this is rare. Eggs acquire fertilized while they are in the fallopian tubes, after the fertilized egg moves down into the uterus and attaches. If your ovary released an egg while you were menstruating, it could procure fertilized then attach to the uterus after the menstruation stops. Its more expected that someone would get pregnant, and own some initial bleeding related to the pregnancy, and mistake that for a period. This happen to a friend of mine and she was certainly pregnant.

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