Urinary Tract Infection and Missed Period?

I've had a urinary tract infection for slightly sometime now, and i missed my extent last month. I've took 3 pregnancy tryout and they all showed unenthusiastic. I'm not having any symptons of self pregnant.
I've been to a doctor in the region of my infection in the past. And he prescribed me medication, but i didn't thieve it everyday like i should enjoy.
I'm going back to the hospital as soon as possible. I only want to know if anyone else has have this problem. Is it really my infection that caused my interval not to come?

Should I get myself tested for STDs? Please minister to me!?

It's possible that they are linked, but more feasible that they are unrelated.

I suffered for years with UTI's, and if caught within the first 24-48 hours it's possible to ward it off, by drinking lots of unsweetened cranberry liquid and water (no other drinks), and adjectives down on sugar intake.

However, you say you've have it for some time, and this is not good. Untreated UTI's can spread to the kidney, and untreated infections in the kidney can devastate them and sometimes this damage is irrevocable.

Respect your body, get stale to your Doctor, explain both your problems, and if you're given some anti-biotics take the full course exactly as directed. It's the only channel that they can work effectively.

After you've completed your course take some pro-biotics, from inherent yogurt, or from any of the 'healthy germs' drink supplements you can buy from the supermarket (like Yakult). Because the anti-biotics will kill not simply the bad germs in your bladder, but also the virtuous bacteria resembling the ones in your digestive system.

I hope this help. Sorry to get adjectives big-sister on you, but believe me when it comes to suffering with UTI's I'm an expert! Take assistance.

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