Not pregnant but want to produce breastmilk. Is this possible??


What is this "discharge"?

It happened to me when I took Depakote, it's a side effect, and doesn't ensue to everyone, but it raises the prolactin level and makes you lactate.

Are you bothered next to extra weight on your partner?

there are pills that can comfort you achieve this-----try chitchat to your doctor
* i saw it on the discovery channel*

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why do you want to produce breastmilk?

Question roughly speaking PMS and moods?

i think so beside oxytocin, estrogen and nipple stimulation over time you will
they have kit with a reservoir of milk and a small tube you video to your nipple, the baby suckles and get milk and the visual and idea eventually stimulates the brain to produce more oxytocin and you can lactate
but you can also get oxytocin injections

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Yes, it can be done, but I believe you have to steal hormones, along with regular breast stimulation, beside a pump, every day. I've hear of women, and even one man, doing this, so they could feed a child. But if you've already have a child, you might be able to do it next to only the regular pumping.

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let me aid you with that please

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r u trying to satisfy a fetish?

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Yes it is possible. If your doing it because you are adopting a newborn child and want to breastfeed you surely can. You'll need to see a doctor to perscribe hormone stimulants and also I don`t know some prenatal vitamins.

How bad is this?

Hi! If you google this you will find deeply of answers. Try "producing breast milk not pregnant" and such. Many times it will tell you to obtain on a hormone treatment from a professional doctor because there are 3 prime hormones you need to produce milk. Also if you start breast pumping you can give support to bringing the onset of milk production. They other caution though that you shouldn't expect to produce a full breast of milk. Some ancestors do, some don't. But if you are looking for the relationship and the experience with your child after any breast milk is better than none. Good luck. =)

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