Am i getting my remarkably first extent soon?

im 15 and i am devolped evey where you can thin (hair,breasts) lately i own been moody, on and off headacheas and rear pain on and off. oh ya enjoy had alot more discharge than normal, its white and gooey, but common. im a virgin and i have never had my extent? im not athletic either, or stressed. Am I getting my period soon?


GIRLS ONG YASMIN BIRTH CONTROL, can you report me in the order of your experience near this?!?!?

We can never be 100% sure if we are or not. Just know that it is Going to eventually come.

But you ahve adjectives of the Symptons. I also fit your description,a nd I only started early April. The one and only thing I foudn was that contained by the days leading up to the period, I have hardly ANY discharge.

Was you Mother Late also? Ask Her. Maybe she can help you.

But I'd start to wear panty liner (If you don't already) so ti won't stain your Underwear until you can get to a pad. Alos fetch around pads, becuase No one wnats to be stuck in institution with their period, and Only ahve for a moment tiny panty liner.
I'd wouldn't bring any tampons with you though. Gettign them in can be a bit difficult your first time, so I'd continue until you Home and relaxed to try tampons.

Good Luck!

Did my hymen break?

Yeah, sounds like it!
I wouldn't get too excited though (as i was)
Its not a nice experience the first time, but you gotta' grasp used to it i suppose!
Just remember if you're getting more and more discharge and backpain at school or whatever, whip some pads in your purse just incase you start! :)
Good luck. x

First periodd? wondering.?

its not up to u 4 wen u get ur extent but yea u hsud b getting it pretty soon. i really wanted it but now that i enjoy it i hate it soooooooooooooo mcuh so b happy wit the freedom u hold

Need some suggestion for girlfriend?

well, i had adjectives of those symptoms for years before i got my first extent, but you do sound close to it.

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