Took birth control pill for too many yrs.. developed dark spot on my upper back.. Has this happened to anyone?

If they have , is nearby anything out there that can fade the spots?

Is in attendance anything else I can do?

Go to a dermatalogist.they might know what the real end in of this is and how to get rid of it.

Has anyone tried Feminine wash ?

I've taken the pill for 15 years. I've never heard of it cause dark spots. Is it a raise spot? I would be more concerned that it was wrong from the sun, if you've spent too much time outside. I would definitely go and get it checked by a dermatologist.

Can masturbation make me lose my virginity?

It hasn't happen to me. A web-search indicates that it has happen to other people, but that a physician should be consulted fairly than depending on Internet information. You're under a physician's care/supervision already, so here's a URL near some back-up information:

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