Is it okay if im bleeding when i dont have my period?
i had sex the other hours of darkness with my boyfriend and weve done it since but i bled and 3 days later im still bleeding a short time bit. whats wrong with me , am i gonna die lol
I know for a reality I am not pregnant,but why do I have belated night nausea almost every darkness?
A little after sex could be seen as regular depending on how many times you've have sex before, how extreme the sex be, etc. Bleeding a few days AFTER sex, when it's not your period, could be something more serious and is really sturdy to pinpoint unless you see a gyno to give you more info. I'd agenda an appt. ASAP. Good luck girl.
I'm 12 and had an ovarian cyst.?
dose the words "see a doctor" indicate anything.guess not u r-tardno
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You are not gonna die but you do need to see the doc and find out what is going on. Bleeding after sex is not majority and need to be checked by the doc. Call your doc and bring seen give or take a few this.I've tried the female pee standing technique and it doesn't work, is nearby any other way?
i dont believe you should be bleeding see a doctorHow do I know if I have lost my virginity?
It's probably not righteous, go see the doc!go to the doctor. It could be any number of things. You definately want to get checked out, though.
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You should see the doctor about the bleeding. Good luck.- Migraines headaches?
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