My Mom be getting on my nerves over a overdue..?
What is a suitable Make-up routine for a 13 year-old girl?
tell her to hold you to the doctors, get the doctor to explain to her that periods are irregular for a few years after getting a spell, then you need to explain to your mum that if shes that worried catch her to put you on some birth control if she really doesnt trust you that much.i know it annoys you but some mums dont care about here daughters so think yourself luckey that your mum cares that much in the region of you.
Remember things could always be soooo much worse!
wen i first got my spell, i had it for that month and then i skipped the integral next month. ive had my term for about 3 yeard and there still arernt regulaer. tel yur mom that oyu'll progress see a docotr and then the doctor will just prove to yur mom that yur jst fine
So, i asked previously that cross-question something like masturbation...?
Girls.. would you do this if a guy perved on you?
Its be 34 days since my finishing extent, why havent I started?
A request for information going on for vagina's.Help!?