Bad Discharge?

I have a really bleak discharge and did not know how to get rid of it. Its white contained by color and like almost resembling lotion and has a desperate smell to it that I have to bath inside with sea everyday. I have gone to the droctor and they hold explained that it was a yeast ifeection which it be not due to the fact adjectives the meds that were tooken did nil.. they just save giving me stuff nothing is working.. ANYBODY please help>>> Only serious answers please

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Okay sounds like you own something called bacterial vaginosis and you can try a home remedy I've recommended back. Buy plain yogurt (not flavored or anything) and use it to treat the infection--do not eat the yogurt use it where the white stuff is. This should assistance with the discharge and the smell. To counter perform the smell you can also try using a small amount of baking soda to help wipe out the smell. If these do not help you obligation to find another doctor who will help you treat the infection.

Good Luck!

Menstrual Cycle?

yeast infections and other fungal infections can be exceptionally difficult to kill

they're probably right in the region of it being a yeast infection, dance back again and detail them it's not working, they'll try a second-line antifungal

I come inside my girl friend and were worried. Help ?

everyone get yeast infection from meds just budge to the Local Walgreens or CVS or whatever and receive a yeast infection kit and drink plenty of hose

Not really sure?

i had the sam entity. Maybe you are going to get your spell. The docc would know if there be something wrong.The body is a wierd thing I promise you. But you should go rear to the doc..

This is a bit of an embarrassing examine but I feel the involve to ask..?

Two things about it, those sucks, but Over the Counter kit can take strictness of it for about $10 to $15,,,

But better however, once you are over it, to prevent it, this advice come from a doctor,, really. don't wear underwear,, it seem to build them more frequent,,, funny thing is it truly works

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Sometimes women that use tampons can be irritated and can cause a discharge but usually any discharge at all be exact bad..will be discolored and not white. Do not bath everyday.because like adjectives other orifices on the body you must let the raw fluids happen. If your wash everyday you could be irritating everything inside too. A yeast infection can be cured by a single dose of Diflucan.or an over the counter drug called Monistat. Generics don't give the impression of being to help me so the describe brands are the best. Also, there are other things that could be up so you want to monitor pain contained by the abdomen.or when you urinate. Could be the birth of Diabetes or any other problem with sugars.

It itches down at hand. What do I do?

first of all, wash inside everyday could be the cause of this impossible smell. You're washing away adjectives the "good" bacteria and that cause the smell. you have b.v. You entail to stop washing inside immediately! And tell your doc. to do a damp mount. I did this before (washing inside) and 10 months latter I still smell not so fresh. Good luck!

Girls, what does it mean when you voice, to know how to move it?

if you have already tried diflucan, next try terazol(by prescription). usually if one doesn't work the other will. do not use monistat one. it is so strong, it burns like crazy. apposite luck.

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