What is making my legs swell so much?

My legs started swelling below my knees this summer while it was so hot, but in a minute that it's not so hot, they are still slightly swollen and uncomfortable.


are in attendance any support groups for BBS?

You don't say how older you are. Something is toxic in your body and/or your circulation is poor for some reason. Do you sit closely, don't exercise, eat profusely of salty foods, well-mannered carbohydrates, fast food or not drink satisfactory water? If you are still lawfully young it could be any or adjectives of the above. If any of those are the case next you need to renovation your diet, get some exercise and/or drink more river. If that doesn't help within a few weeks or if it isn't any of those things, then you should see your doctor. It could be something in the kingdom of disease. There is a lot of excellent counsel in the above answers as ably.

Girlies help please!?

It could be congestive heart damp squib, kidney problems, circulation problems, too much salt, etc.
Hard to influence for sure.
You need test to rule the most important things out.
Elevate them above your heart.
Look for compression stockings
And see your doc

Havnt have my period surrounded by 3 months?


LADIES ONLY.. chucks of white discharge?

See a Doctor. I'm sorry I cannot give you anymore suggestion than this, but it is unsafe to ask medical questions online because firstly, the public does not enjoy your medical history, and secondly you may be misdiagnosed. Go to the doctor, and if you're not happy beside the disagnosis, seek a second belief. Good Luck.

Will a girl(virgin) be sore after having her first intercourse?

It could be your kidneys or you could lately be a water retainer. Do your joint hurt at all? My swelling make my joints hurt and I pocket a diuretic daily and it really help. I makes me pee closely, but it works.

I keep haveing nightmares How do I achieve them to stop?

you might have illustrious blood pressure. better go ses a doctor immedieatly and cut your intake of brackish.

GIRLS: question around things we get once a month..?

o my god dont ask c a doctor.it could be a sign of aids even ..i v hear a story like that.so try to variety an appointment for tomorrow..

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