Do any other girls...?

hate getting their period? I've have mine for about a year and I dread when I get hold of it every month. Who else feels approaching this? Also will I get used to it where on earth I don't really mind when the time of month comes around or will I always dread it?

Can you enjoy absolutely no hymen?

oh girl unless you feel you're pregnant NO woman likes getting her extent. you've only have yours for a year so give it some time, you'll procure more use to having it. also, you know your body better than any other personality, so you'll be able to amount out what medicine for cramps, bloating, fatigue, etc. is best for you. best guidance, start planning family vacation to the beach AROUND your monthly call round!


you might get use to it where on earth you don't really mind it...who knows...but its something you'll hold to deal next to for a WHILE girl.. ttyl..

I just have a one day term that was two days precipitate. What could this mean?

You will other dread it, because it gives you cramps and such. It's also an inconvenience in vocabulary of wearing certain clothes...but it's a reality of life, so of late get over it.

When is the best time for me and my girlfriend to enjoy sex when she isn't likely to bring pregnant?

No woman really wants her term (unless she thinks she may be pregnant). You've individual had yours for rather while, you learn to concordat with it better as you return with older

what are the symtoms of fibroids?

Two words: HELL YES!

The cramps, lower rear legs ache/ pain and bloody mornings other make my commander spin. Arg...

Chest twitches/fluttering.what is this?

yes i dread it 2.i take midol when ever i start 2 grain bad adn it is my spell it just help a lot so i would hold midol

and yes i have have mine for almost 2 years and like i didnt start getting cramps until the 4th time i have it and they have maintain coming :[

Do you believe in Masturbating?

sorry , thats part of becomming a immature woman, i hate to shave and my facade wont quit growing a beard

Help! I just have my period!?

I switch on to dread it the day after I finish. I especially dislike the cramps and cravings. Plus my brothers and dad don't understand what me and my mom walk through so that doesn't help. I've have mine for 4 yrs now and I've gotten used to it coming but I still dread it.

Binge eating/emotional eating - how do I stop this bloody need!!?

I hate it!!

Can ur virginity b broken but ur boyfriend still cant find in well?

The only entry I don't hate something like it is my boyfriend giving me lots of hugs, making me some hot chocolate and watching a movie on the couch together :).

Lower Back Pain and Some Lower Abdominal Pain.or just Anxiety?

i hold had it a year and definitely dread it because i hate the bloating, cramps, and nouns and i dont know if i will ever get used to it

what is chromium used for?

I don't really dread it. It's lately something normal...something that happen every month. But of course, I don't achieve cramps and moody and stuff.

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