When is the best time for me and my girlfriend to have sex when she isn't likely to get pregnant?


Do i have uti?

Please don't believe rhythm, what your read around the rhythm method, or anyone who tells you the time of daytime has anythng to do next to conception. The world is filled next to children who were born when couples kept track and thought the time be safe. Abortion clinics are also full of them too. Use some type of birth control AND CONDOMS.

How long does it lift to ovulate after giving birth still born at 25 weeks pregnant?

When you're using birth control, or after she's gone through menopause. Those are truly the best times.

Menstrual Cycle Madness?

when you got a condom.or her on Birth Control..uh duh!

How long wil this puberty end!??


What Is It?
The rhythm method is a way to prevent pregnancy by not have sex around the time of ovulation (the release of an egg during a girl's monthly cycle). Couples who do want to have a child can also use this method to have sex during the time that they are most plausible to conceive. It is sometimes called unprocessed family planning, intermittent abstinence, or fertility awareness.

How Does It Work?
If a couple doesn't hold sex around the time of ovulation, the girl can't get pregnant. The trick is knowing when ovulation happen. Couples use a calendar, a thermometer to measure body warmth, a kit that test the thickness of cervical mucus, or a tools that tests for ovulation. The ovulation kit are more useful for couples who are trying to procure pregnant. The fertile period around ovulation last 6 to 9 days and during this time the couple should not have unprotected sex.

How Well Does It Work?
The rhythm method is not a reliable bearing to prevent pregnancy for most teens. Over the course of 1 year, as many as 25 out of 100 typical couples who rely on the rhythm method to prevent pregnancy will enjoy an accidental pregnancy. Of course, this is an average digit, and the chance of getting pregnant depends on whether a couple uses one or more of the rhythm method tools correctly and consistently and that they do not own unprotected sex during the fertile period.

In common, how well respectively type of birth control method works depends on a lot of things. These include whether a character has any strength conditions, is taking any medications that might interfere near its use, whether the method chosen is convenient — and whether it is used correctly all the time. In the bag of the rhythm method, it also depends on how consistent a woman's ovulatory cycle is and how accurately a couple keeps track of when she could be ovulating.

Have you ever used your vibrator as a rear legs massager?

When you're wearing a condom.

How can i relieve my cramps???

she should know the answer to that. ask her

hymen breaking?

The best time is every time you use contraceptive!!

any medicine for migrane?

2 days after she get her period.

*evil grin*

if a girl hasn't gotten her first extent by the age of 15 what kind of a pill should she steal to get it?

There is never a time. She can capture pregnant when she is on her period too. Why don't you newly wear a condom with spermicidal jelly? Play it secure. Do not take likelihood.

why is it hard for some womens to sit on top during sex? is 7 1/2 too much for that?

1. When you're using a condom..
2. When you're not beside her.
3. When each of you are have sex with a partner of matching sex.

(To the one(s) who want(s) to give me thumbs down, and if truth be told give(s) me thumbs down: you're less intelligent than a brick!)

Why do tampons engineer one sick when used between periods.?

the best time is when you will transport rsponsibility for both of your lives




The dreaded Menopause?

The 'Rhythm',or 'Billings Method'.
Look it up,if you don't want to wear a dom.

Will women make clamour during sexual intercourse or at the time of orgasm?

there is no time like that. the subsequent best thing is birth control.

Is my birth control making me heavy and crabby?

There isn't a best time. But in the morning is when within is more chances for a woman to conceive.

Self conscious breasts?

its awfully easy to for your girl friend to hold track of her ovulation if she has a regular interval, got to ovulation calender.com, a woman is most feritile 14 days after her extent, so like the week formerly and the week after you have nought to worry roughly. Tell her to down load the calender, you can try it out for similar to 30 days free, but just own her make it down on a regular calendar. You ll see when you move about there. The calendar will explain everything

I be wondering why my period be 13 days early?

Average vivacity of sperm after sex is about 3 days. The ovulation contained by a girl takes place around 12-16th sunshine.

Keeping margins both sides, it is safer to have sex during 1st and later week of her menstrual cycle.

The failure rate of 25 within 100 given in one of the answers plan that 100 couple use this method for 1 year then 25 of them achieve pregnant. I do not know whether the figure of 25 is correct. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is lower.

does anyone know a reason why a girl stops gettoing her period even though she is not pregent?

Get married first and then if a tot comes along you'll be ready to be a mom and dad.

What is the medical residence use for woman that they go through that starts next to m?

When she is on the pill and you are wearing a condom. There are more things to consider than just pregnancy when it comes to unprotected sex. Don't pinch the risk of getting and/or giving an STD.

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The rhythm method, the Billings method, and natural loved ones planning are three ENTIRELY different things. The first one is an urban myth and doesn't work. The second two work but take profusely of diligence and effort.

Anyone who tell you that the rhythm method is the same as unconscious family planning, basal body heat measuring, or the Billings method does not know the definition of any of these expressions.

What rhythm, quintai, and diprakras describe is the rhythm method and will get your girlfriend pregnant. There is no standard number of days that you can add on onto the day a woman's term starts to determine fertility or infertility. Every woman is different. Every cycle is different. Adding a fixed number will end up near 1+1=3.

Exercise, diet, stress, and natural changeableness will shift the time of ovulation from cycle to cycle. Ovulation needs to be determined for respectively cycle, not based on a guess for the "average" woman's "average" cycle. Do that and you'll take the "average" number of babies.

Every heard of menstrual cramp like this?

On your honeymoon (she might still bring pregnant).

What would happen if you never go to the Gynocologist?

she can get pregnant even during her term, wear a condom you idiot

Can ur virginity b broken but ur boyfriend still cant get surrounded by easily?

not till u r married

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