Dark brown almost black discharge??

Okay so not to be grosse but, I have black (for lack of better description looks similar to coffee or chocolate syrup on the pad) Sorry!..Don't know why...this is in association with severe cramping (mother of four)...doc freshly put me on High BP pills like 2 weeks ago...have have many female issues since first pregancy.blood transufsions, later birth 1 yr ago was a c section..etc...Just wondering if this have happened to anyone else...Oh I am 30 if that matters! Thanks Ladies

How lashing are you should you bleed on the 4th year?

Discharge that looks dismal brown/black is just old blood. Fresh blood looks bright red, elder blood turns darker the older it get. This is totally normal!

With you hypertension and sever cramping, I'd let your doc know contained by case there is anything else they can do to construct you more comfortable.

good luck

Please minister to??

Are you pregnant? Could you
possibly BE pregnant?
If you are not at end stage
pregnancy, next you may be
having a miscarriage. If you are having severe cramping
you have best go to the ER, where they can assist you surrounded by
cleaning out your uterus.,
If it IS a miscarriage and anything is left in the uterus,
you could own major complications later.

Can a creature return with endometriosis after a hysterectomy?

I asked that same cross-question yesterday! I'm on birth control pills and I got my period 16 days ago and for the pas 10 days I've be getting a very dark brown discharge as very well... I though it was still my period or something.. I'm going to the gyno on monday.. the discharge is not going away

*Girls Only* Question just about Guys?

I catch that almost every period..its just elderly blood..but if your still concerned never hurts to see your doc!

I am really sorry if this sounds?

gross, but go to your obgyn, asap.

I want to dance on a birth control i enjoy especially small breasts?

go see your doctor

Im still confused ladies??

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Tampons and huhhh?
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