Another embarrasing interview..?

This may tie in beside the first question I asked, but not sure.

I am constantly plauged beside thrush. I regularly treat myself and it either comes final or fails to shift away. Have spoken with numerous doctors, adjectives can't find out one. One thought it may have be genital herpes, but I have be tested twice and it's negative both times.

Any thoughts on why I can't bring back rid of this condition? Are there any foods I can consume that will fall symptoms?

Is it normal to own a small lump under your arm pit when its time to start your time?

Thrush is an outward manifestation of a systemic candida infection. It can only be controlled, as a result, by treating it systemically.

Go to your local public library and borrow anything and everything that they have on candida from Dr William G Crook and/or from Dr Zoltan Rona. Read paperwork and follow them.

In addition, repeated instances of thrush, or any outward manifestation of systemic candida infections, could powerfully indicate undiagnosed and therefore untreated Type II diabetes. Ask to be tested for that as very well. You need that oral exam to be an HbA1C, not a simple blood glucose test. The A1C is a method of showing a 3 - 4 month moving average of one index of blood glucose saturation, while a simple blood glucose test shows a snapshot lone.

Prolonged menses.?

what's thrush?

Long term birth control use?

im not sure if you own so if you haven't here is a suggestion see a gastro intestinal doctor my daughter had this same problem come to find out it be from bacteria surrounded by her stomach not her mouth she was on stomach meds for 3 months but that be 2 years ago and not one case of it since hope adjectives gets better i know it can be uncomfortable not to mention embarrassing she never considered necessary to speak when hers was acting up

I havent get my period within 3 months do i have an infection ?

eat yogurt. the upright cultures in it will facilitate. same thing as when you achieve a vaginal yeast infection. yogurt will help.

Abortion related mental virus and depression - have you experienced it?

are you shaving probably your blade carried any bacteria.ask your doctor just about this.

Sudden sharp pain contained by intercourseneed advice?!?

Thrush is a form of a fungus "yeast infection". You may be taking a medication which cause this infection. Also, some diabetics have chronic thrush infections. I would check your blood sugar level. Avoid mouthwashes/rinses, because they can cause an discrepancy of good microbes allowing the thrush to grow.

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