Can a man be too big in the downstairs department?

If a woman is small and the man big, can this be dangerous? Can it be nice for the woman?

Is anal sex bad for your condition?

Not really as us women are made for our vagina's to stretch to get a babies organizer out. But if it is uncomfortable consequently try different positions, if you go on top consequently you can be incontrol of the movement. Some women find a large willy a turn on, create sure you are turned on before 'king dong' go anywhere near you!!

I have sex all closing month i was 10 days in arrears. on the tenth day my length came, should i still hold a test?

It depends on the woman's anatomy. If the woman have a small/short vaginal canal sex might discomfited or even painful for her.

When a guy "cums" surrounded by you can you actually discern it or tell when he does bust surrounded by you?

no, they make shoes for adjectives size feet now

Should I lose this much weight?

Well if its approaching 14 iches long, that could be to long for most women, but if its like, 8 or something close to that, it can be made enjoyable. Just because a woman is small, doesnt indicate she cant take a big *.

Does it hurt to hold your IUD taken out?

Sure he can, but it's only a problem if he think he's John Henry and you're the railroad spike. He just have to be careful, that's adjectives. Easy does it.

What is fertilisation?how long does it take for the eggs to carry fertilised?

dont think its dodgy unless hes king kong

Thing in the corner of my mouth?

It is possible for it to be painful and if rough motive bleeding, but if the woman is well aroused and the man easy-going everything should be fine.

Can pregnancy make you sick approaching this make or own i gotten a virus somewhere?

Most men are a proximately the same size at full excitement, but occasionally here and at hand is an overly endowed man. In this case it would be mortified for a vaginally small woman to be able to occupy the entirety of his manliness without it person painful.

Why do vaginas enjoy a smelly odor?

ask the girl and that or jus dont do it for long do like a rotation entity go do the front bit afterwards the back if u no what i meen!


women don't use much more than the first 3 inches which is a polite job as most men will describe you
That that is 6 inches
no wonder we cant park cars properly next to that as a preconception of size.
Size does matter !!
Its not hazardous if he is too big it will just stretch you and fashion you sore.

Ladies, my girl says soap is impossible for her pH balance down within?

I don't know if you're being serious, enjoy you had much experience? I have a girl once who told me I was Too Big for her, and could single get the tip contained by, it was pretty good for my ego but frustrating for my penis, and eventually I concluded up going with another woman.I reckon if you really liked him you wouldn't be asking this, you would try, also how do you know, enjoy you seen it? Did you endow with him a hand mission or blow, don't mean to be crude, but I get the impression like wise saying it. I think I am roughly average size 9 inches.

How can I get my nipples to stick out?

I regard as it would hurt at first and then you bring back use to it.

why would some women dislike the doggie-style, is it because it makes them surface like the b*tch?

It can organize to things like cystitis, which isn't destructive itself (although can be very uncomfortable), but if you agree to it ride without dealing next to the cystitis it can develop into a urninary tract infection, or even slight kidney problems (which all within all is a pretty miserable experience).

I used to own a boyfriend that was ably endowed and liked to hold sex every day, and this be a problem I had like mad. Luckily for me he turned out to be as big a d**k as the one he had, so it wasn't an issue surrounded by my life for long!

But it jargon of the size actually fitting, I don't believe that any damage can come to you, although he might have to steal it easier than his natural instincts would resembling him to.

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