A young womans personal interview.kinda embarrased.?

ok i know i should maybe know this but i dont. =[
do girls hold to shave "down there"?
please help me. im approaching sooo embarrased.

If i wanted to see a gyno for the vagina?

Shaving is a personal choice. It is not essential for anyone to shave (there's no medical evidence saying it's proper or more sanitary). However, several people remove fleece from their bodies for comfort, aesthetics, fun, or sexual, cultural, or religious reasons.

I Shave because I approaching too not because I have to. If you want some tips on shaving the site below is favourable.

Help me! Important question!?

it is seriously sexier

Ovranette to Mycrogyno, help?

Some do, some don't. There is no "law" to budge by. The social norm, however, is to shave under nearby if you are a girl.

Do girls shave their vaginas?

Don't shave! I did it once and was miserable. If you want house-train the forest get it professionally wax (don't do it yourself, gets messy)

How long will it clutch me to be a size 8?

no its just a personal choice

What is this?

no thats a disgusting q

Ladies i inevitability help!!?

you dont "have" to shave. its adjectives personal preference. but on a vigour note. if you hold discharge it can become trapped in the spine and may cause odor, or infection. you can other just trim it up. you dont hold to shave it all.

My ultimate question?

No...you don't hold to. It's a personal decision, And singular do so if it's something you want to do.

Itchy vagina?

they don't have to shave down near. it's what they perfer and what the partner perfers.

I have a boyfriend, he other suck my breast when we have sex , i love him but i surface uncomfortable .?

It's a personal choice, some girls do, some don't

Problems near Bra Sizes and Fit? What do you Ladies think of this? Opinions?

No girls don't own to shave down below but most choose to because they don't want to mess with the long hair there.

A light of day or two before your spell..?

Um...Yep thats the style! Not for my age group..but if you are under 25 than yes. It is call brazilian..all rotten!
I own a spa, this is why I know what is in...You can other leave a triangle on top..small, but the fuzz oround the lip area and inner buttocks wants to go!

Really Bad Cramp Help?

You don't "own to". Some do, some don't, all for one rationale or another. Some because they like it, some do it because some guys approaching it better that way. Personally, I find it too illustrious maintenance to be an everyday entity. Normally I just maintain it trimmed and if I'm comfortable enough beside a guy and feel resembling shaving it (if that's what he'd like), I'll do it sometimes. But usually it's just trimmed.

What are some cause for abnormal period?

hi, some information for you: ( you dont need to be embarrassed)
Making the Shaving Decision
When it’s time to shave your legs or below your arms, it’s important to know what products to use and which methods work the best. Instead of using the trial and error process, we enjoy listed a few hints to form your shaving experience a little easier.

Soap vs. Shaving Cream
Shaving cream creates a protective nouns on you skin to shield it against the razor blade. It help cut down on the risks of cuts, scrapes, infection and blade burn. The simple soap and water process doesn’t provide the protective wall, therefore possibly irritating your skin. Also, soap can dry out your skin.

Electric vs. Razor
This is your choice. Both forms hold their own pros and cons. For instance, an electric shaver does not have the same risks of cuts and nick that a regular razor does. However, an electric shaver does not achieve as close of a shave as a regular razor.

On another register, an electric shaver does not require the use of shaving cream. However, you may not be able to shave near an electric shaver after taking a shower. Some electric shavers work better on dry skin, otherwise the shaver may pull at your skin while it’s trying to grasp the wet spine. To avoid electrical shock, never use electric appliances on wet skin or near wet hand, unless the appliance has safekeeping features specifically designed for this.

Waxing vs. Shaving
Waxing is a process that removes the hair for a longer time of time. By waxing, you are not a moment ago cutting the down short, as when you shave, but you are removing the hair from below the skin’s surface. Therefore the re-growth time is longer. It may nouns appealing that waxing removes the pelt for a longer period of time, but the wax process can be somewhat painful. The longer you wax, though, the more you carry use to it. Waxing may also be more expensive.

Remember, if you have question that are not answered here, speak to your parents, another adult or your physician.

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currently it is chic to shave "down there". if you've never done it before, the first time will be incrediblely irritating to you. its something you enjoy to get used to. and look out with blade burn, it hurts like heck. shaving allows you to wear really skimpy panties and swim suits. its up to you.

What does it imply if you don't have your time in 2 or 3 weeks ? IS IT SCARY?

Definitely a personal choice. In my queue of work (labor and delivery nurse) I see adjectives KINDS of "personal choices". I would say in the order of 50% of the women I take consideration of choose to shave. Maybe it's because they are pregnant, or maybe they do it adjectives the time, I don't know. If you are going to choose to go hairless, shaving is one chance, but be careful...blade burn hurts, and there will be some irritation and itching when the tresses grows back, unless you shave vastly often. You might try a dipilatory, resembling NEET. Just be careful not to seize it inside the labia (ouch).

If you have a tipped uterus I know it can be uncomfortable for the woman, but does it feel any different for the man

It's a personal choice. You don't absolutly hold to. Don't be embarassed, it's a common entry. If you decide that you do want to, be extraordinarily careful. One peice of direction is don't shave out of the hairline! Also, you will have to concord with the itchyness, when it grows subsidise. Talk it over with a parent, if you quality comfortable enough to do so. I know it's adjectives weird, but after awhile you won't even consider about it.

Is it true?

i am 28 yrs older and i just found out a couple of years ago that women even did that, i other kept my hair trimmed but i never shaved - i hear a women in the inherited talking going on for it and i asked my husband what he thought he had no objection, so i did it w/ a mach3 mens razor i still itched for a time but i felt so verbs especially on my period that i do it presently all the time - it is up to you - what you similar to and don;t like

A query for the women regarding depo provera?

You dont hold to shave down there. If you hold gym class or something and have excessive down that pokes out, you may want to trim it. If you are the only one that see yourself down there, it is really up to you. If you seize a man and they would like you to do it a guaranteed way, you may do that, its personal nouns. I have notice that guys mainly resembling no hair.

Monthly cycles?

what matter is what makes comfortable. If you don't touch comfortable with what you own now, shave it past its sell-by date!

What can I do to control my appetite and water retention during PMS week?

no not at adjectives some women do because men prefer it but I do it because the hair make me itch It is a completely personal choice

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