a doctor that takes care of women only is called what?

for e.g if i was raped and i requirement to see a doctor and i'm female which doctor do i see,

Can someone assist me im sick and dont know whats wrong?

Gynecologist. But not all Gynecologist are women, so you must specify that you want to see a woman physician. Good Luck

"Gynaecology (British) or gynecology (American) literally means 'the science of women', but within medicine this is the specialty of diseases of the womanly reproductive system (uterus, vagina and ovaries). Almost all modern gynaecologists are also obstetricians; see Obstetrics and gynaecology."

What am i suppose to do?

A gynocologist

Does anybody know of a sure laxative specifically not painful that will work without delay?

a gynaecologist

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If you get that implanted birth control that gets put into your upper arm and you are protected for 2 years..?

A doctor who take care of women individual is called a gynaecologist, but if you be raped, you should go to the police first. They'll own a doctor who specialises in this type of item, and more than likely will be womanly.

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