After shaving (down there) bumps?

I recently basically shaved all of my Beverly (vag) and I have no red bumps but the second time I went pay for to shave it there be all kind of little red bumps and it is kinda irritated and itchy...what can I do to prevent the irritation and red bumps?

Why haven't i got my term?

You could have gone a strip or a lightining bolt. giggity giggity

2 weeks early on my time?

lol...I think this happen to everyone. Try shaving with child oil or hackle conditioner when your shaving in that area.

Female put somebody through the mill?

Maybe its the shaving gel...

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I use Bikini Zone shave gel. You can find it in drugstores. And afterwards I apply Bikini Zone cream to the nouns. It works!!

Good luck!

What happends if you put vasealine on you nipples at a young age??

There is a product call "bikini zone". I got it ending year at CVS. It works good. Or, merely use some cortizone cream. I know... those little itchy bumps are totally annoying.

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First let the mane grow in a bit bit longer. Use a man's razor and shaving cream. Those are intended to be used on coarse hair. After you are done cleaning up the front patio but deodorant on it and lotion. Baby lotion is the best. It's meant for sensitive skin.

has the teenaged pregnancy rate droppedsince Bush settled to support abstinence merely?

If its inside the vagina then I believe it could be an STI if u have unprotected sex.

If its outside where you own shaved than its just due to shaving. Use Nivea Risage Mens shaving grease on that fanny, it'll all be aight.

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what you have is zilch more then cut-throat burn, try putting a bit of lotion and try to were comfortable undies, i know it sounds irrelivent but the softer they are the better it will grain against that razor burn, another suitable trick would be to shave it in the shower, most girls can't use shaving cream down at hand, but the water from the shower will furnish a bit of cution for the razor and should give a hand with that

I havn't have my peroid in 37 days, Im not pregant.. what else could it be?

just shave beside the grain(downward) if you shave against the grain it's more likely to do that. You probably purely got too close of a shave the second time, also your skin will acquire more used to it the more you do it. If you want, you could just shave around your butthole and your oral cavity and trim the upper part, that's what I do(but I'm a guy, so ball, not lips)

What does it mean after you own sex and u pee and it burns?

Hey! call me I'll shave it for you next it be done promply.

I am ovulating again help!?

Use deodorant right after you shave near. You will not get bumps. It works better than anything I enjoy ever tried.

Itching has come backbone!?

use bikni zone

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It's ingrown hair. Your bikini line is amazingly prone to them. Try getting a product called Bikini apply it to the areas you shaved and it minimizes bumps in that area. You might also want to trty getting a shaving cream made a moment ago for that area. Make sure not to shave within the opposite direction the spike grows, this will make it worse.

Depo Provera?

I own a company that sell a product just for that...
dont hoot, but the product is called coochie.

Seriously, look it up on

Its worth a try, distribute me an e-mail and I can cut some of the shipping cost for ya.

[email protected]

Normal or not?

Eek - do not put deodorant on it! My suggestion is purchase Coochie Shave Cream & to calm any possible bumps you may seize, purchase Down Below After Shave Cream also. The Coochie cream will soften the spike to prevent pulling when shaving... my fiance even uses it on his face. Good luck!

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I have to agree, use Coochy Cream. You can shave within every direction to make sure it is smooth and no red bumps. If you hold an adult video store within your area that sell lubes and lotions check and see if they have it. You can even use it as a hackle conditioner.

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