Help me! i need to find out who invented the morning after pill...?

and i cant use wikipedia... i need a tangible source... =(

My button is real sore and swollen will it be ok and when?

roughly half means of access down the page at this site

"Combined oestrogen and progestogen replaced high doses of oestrogen used alone as an emergency contraceptive method contained by the early 1970s. Known as the Yuzpe method after its inventor, Schering PC4 be licensed for EC use in 1984."

other pages

Best of luck...hope I help! It was pretty sturdy to find.

The person above me made equal mistake I did at first...actually Dr Carl Djerassi invented the conventional contraceptive pill.

Vagisil? does it really work.?

Jesus did.

What does anaemic mean?

AA Yuzpe within the mid-1970s.

Telling momtampon?

it was invented newly over 50 years ago by Dr Carl Djerassi in a small laboratory within Mexico City...

Ive been bulimic for 7 yrs presently, is my heart being dog-eared?

would answer, but can't read your 360, the contrast conflicts. got my attention though.

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