Does anyone else have frequent urination before getting their periods?

I have a problem where on earth i have frequent urination. I own seen the doc a few times and have a urine test and it have come up negative. I am not sexually busy. I am however on the pill to regualte my periods. Does anyone else own this problem. For one night i'll travel to the toilet like 10 times within 3 hours. I have have scans on kidneys and bladder and ovaries and zilch.

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same here, I will go to the bathroom like started a week earlier, like 5 times surrounded by 1 hour, It feels close to I need to jump but :nothing" comes out

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yes, it's nature way, isn't it, to be lying on our hygiene needs..


I don't guess it's uncommon for the bloating that's associated beside your periods to create more pressure on your bladder. You're going to inevitability diapers if you get pregnant - but they'll be for you! :-)

Will it hurt?

Yes, I tend to progress more often simply before a term. Think it's something to do with flui retention.

I have unsafe sex last hours of darkness but this morning I woke up with my extent. Should I still go seize the plan b pill?

The pill can cause you to retain marine, and so you may go to the loo more repeatedly. I do now that I am on it.

How can I gain cargo?

It sounds like when your uterus is expanding it is cause pressure on your bladder right before your cycle starts. Its drastically common. As you seize older it can seize worse, so doing kegal exercises could help to hold on to you from embarrassing discharge later on. Being pregnant can spawn it much worse.. The joys of man a child baring woman!

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happens to me every month. I am sexual active and not on the not sure if those two factor have anythingto do near it..

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Since it happen only during your term, I think it is a short time ago your body releasing all of the fluid from the bloating you have before your interval.

I urinate more during my period but not as frequently as you do. We are adjectives different.

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