Depo Provera?

I was wondering can any one bring up to date me there depo provera horror stories I hold been looking into depo provera class handling lawsuits for depo provera side affects I know lots are listed but they say aloud they are rare but i own read so many stories that mirror mine and I don't reason they are as rare as they speak and I think More woman call for to complain about in attendance side affects and ask about class acton lawsuits and see if they can acquire one started for all depo provera side affects yes I know that by taking presciptions that i am risking the side affect but most women are beeing told that they are in danger of extinction but I really don't think near as rare as they right to be heard thank you so much for as many answers as I can procure. I really hope woman stop taking this birth control. It works for some woman but it seems most who use it enjoy most or all the scarce side affects listed and ones that are not.enjoy a good afternoon every one

can the drug advair stop the affect of birth control pills from working?

I gained 5 lbs every 3 months. I be on it for a few years, so that really added up. I was also an wild wreck the entire time. I didn't realize how emotionally off-balance I was until I have stopped. My husband made the comment that I was so much nicer to be around.


i be on depo and i gained something like 65 pounds in 6 months while taking it i also have a mini mental breakdown while taking it and had to be put on medication they said that the hormones contained by the shot had get my chemicals so off harmonize and i couldnt hardly function

I have a period for 5 days, afterwards it stopped. Then I had spotting of brownish to pink blood, presently nothing.?

nothing happen to me! i just gain a FEW pounds

Question for women?

i have be on it for about 5 years now- since my daughter have been born. i enjoy had no problems. i no longer enjoy any kind of interval or cramps. i havent gained any weight- nought. i really like it. the one and only thing i verbs about is they enunciate it can lower your calcium levels and your not supposed to be on it long occupancy. its just too easier said than done with pills- its impossible to takle them at the exact same time every time.

Does anyone know can cause slight to uncomfortable chest pains,?

Oh my goodness! What a story do I own to tell you. I'm single 15 and I use to be the happy juvenile, hung out at the mall, be going to be on the cheerleading team, etc. Oh, and for me, I gain 5lbs of water bulk when it started wearing off

Here are a list of my side effects:
- gain 18 lbs (which I struggle to lose
- 2 migraines and I've never had any back the shot
- increased appetite
- excess fatigue (I would sleep for 18 hours straight and could never get up)
- cravings
- moodiness
- chills (which may/may not be associated near the Depo_
- a 3 month CONSTANT long period that I enjoy yet to fix (going to GYN on Wed)

Don't relapse for your shot of you have ANY symptoms anyone tell you they get. Chances are they will a moment ago get worse. I hope you don't achieve side effects. Good luck.

At what situation female thieve pillow or anything like that & huge it (fermly attached beside her chest) though..

I've been on it for 9 months here are my side effects

boss aches
anxiety attacks
hot flashes
abdominal pains
unpredictable bleeding

Regular period with no ovulation?

I agree.

Help my friend have a problem plz!!?

I was on it for four and a partially years starting at my sons 10 check up. In all that time the one and only period I have was the one right after his birth and my primary doctor never showed any concern. I slowly started have abdominal pain and also begin avoided having intercourse due to vaginal dryness. Later I go to a new doctor (as I have relocated) and was told I needed to at once discontinue the shots and had to start womanly hormone therapy. It took over a year for my period to begin again and I have been unsuccessful conceiving again and give up after trying for two and a half years.

Women, do you ever enjoy really sexy dreams just in the past and throughout your period?

I abhorrence this drug! I only have one shot and decided never to renew it. My side effects be:
- Irratibly
- sadness (depression is a strong word surrounded by this case)
- lacked the desire for sex
- achny
- consignment gain ( 20 lbs in 2 months)

Now we are TTC but my body is not back to ordinary. This drug lasts agency longer than 3 months. I had my shot Nov. 1 and I haven't have a real AF even so, and I'm not ovulating. :-(

girlzfrom india.,,,,..i wanna buy a new bike.which bike do u prefer me to buy? and why?

Depo Provera is a wonderful method of birth control for lots people. Especially nation for whom estrogen is contraindicated.
Obviously, it is not for everyone. If you don't like it after the first dose, don't return with it again.

The side effects, including weitght gain, are clearly documented and stated in the package insert. It is also clear that ovulation and period may not return for up to a year after discontinuing use. That's completely normal. There are side effects to almost everything. Read the info, and if you don't approaching it don't use it.

Sure, many relatives gain weight and LOVE to blame it adjectives on the shot. Nobody forces the food into our mouths, and nobody forces us to get a second shot after acquirement 5 pounds with the first one; or a third shot after purchase another 5 pounds after the second one.
Why do all these relations continue to use something that make them feel miserable for months, or even years?
It's markedly hard to relate how much is related to the shot, or just sloppy drinking habits and drought of exercise.

People need to stop human being such helpless victims, take responsibilty for their own strength, and accept that here are risks with everything.

what is the earliest i can do a preganancy testing before my length is due?

I was extremely moody, which logically I didn't know until I went of past its sell-by date it. I also had Cancerous cell removed from my cervix with my Dr said be a result of Depo.

What dose of valium can a 150lb girl take up to?

i took the first shot... couple weeks latter i got my extent.. then get my next shot.... be still on my period.. started getting bleak cramps.... never went rear for third shot.
i was on my time of year for 2 months! no birth control is WORTH THAT!

I really need to know if you can enjoy a normal term and still be pregnant?

I hated depo!
I gain a lot of substance in a short extent of time,
it killed my sex existence,,,
i withdrew from my husband and started to sleep on the couch,
i be an emotional train wreck,
finally quit taking it,
and it be 10 months before i have my period again,
it be almost 3 years before i be able to conceive again.

They adjectives carry their risk of side effects,
and I hold to say, if we are going to be influential,
and we choose to take these precautions,
next we need to adopt the fact that at hand may be a risk involved,,,,
I am not saying some ppl don't deserve to be rewarded due to severe side effects, it CAN happen-
but everything comes beside side effects anymore these days,
to be precise why everyone is going to natural supplements,,,
Its simply a chance that we whip,,some get lucky, others don't.
I need you the best of luck in what ever you desire.
Be careful and stay ably.

Does this happen to you?

I took the shot and my term started right away. After that, I literally had a interval ranging from robust to light for 8 months. It would stop for a hours of daylight at the most and then start right support up again. My doctor fed me seriously of crap reasons why (ex. You're body is merely ridding itself of toxins...). I never did figure out why it happen considering that you aren't even really supposed to have your spell on the shot. I agree that more women should be informed about these style of stories before making a result.

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