Will swallowing human male semen make us fat?


I got the depo shot for the first time on demo 5 i have not experinced any sort of bleeding at adjectives.?

You are what you eat. In this luggage, it is somewhat true, as sperm contains important DNA. But sperm, despite its important nouns, is not particularly nutritious or fattening, The average ejaculate, nearly one teaspoon, contains between 2 and 3 hundred million sperm. Total calories:about 5. These calories are derived from protein, including enzymes and sugar (mainly fructose) secreted into semen by the prostate gland to provide the sperm beside the energy to swim. Other worthy stuff found in semen includes hose, vitamin C, citric acid, phosphate, bicabonates, zinc and prostaglandins. A veritable breakfast of champion! lol

Personal body issue?

thats just stupid

My hormones are going resembling crazy?

Not unless you blow a thousand men a day for a year.

My mom in recent times made an appointment for me at a psychiatrist's office..?

Don't cogitate so!

Birth control questions would resembling answers from doctors too?


Women want equal right s but they expect to be treated diff from men?

No actualy it is very strength for us. Lots of protein. Go for the skin too. But why waste a polite thing?

Severe stomach torment after sex?

speak for yourself

Can I take Prenatal Vitamins even if I've never be pregnant?

No, it is only almost 5 calories per teaspoon so you'd really have to swallow buckets to seize fat. You could bring back STDs though: be careful.

I have my period closing month from the 24th-31st, and as of today I am still kinda spotting and when i go to the?


Can anyone find any information give or take a few the effects of holding a baby while on your menstrual cycle?

Just study out for the illusive female semen. It's extremely fattening.

My virgin daughter aged 30 have no menses since 2 months, complaining pain within the stomach. Please see details &

Yes But You Have To Swallowing Tones OF It In Order To Get Fat

How long does it take to start bleeding?

I've be told that semen has no calories.It is a obedient source of protein.I've heard some women use it as a obverse mask.

How can i report if i'm having a miscarriage?

it will never take home u fat. Yu never swallow them as if u r consumption or drinking normal food. Dun verbs. In fact, semen contains proteins.. food for u.. Some believe it is obedient for the skin too.. And NO, you will not get STD thru consumption of semen. You will if u own unprotected sex or oral sex.

Question about verbs - out method??

Do you know some rich "tai tai" have young-looking male lovers. So , the "tai tai" during sex, will swallow the lover's semen and they said this babyish lover's semen will make the rich "tai tai" younger days after days or forever look young. This is also similar to man have very babyish female lovers. How true ?

Vagital Bumps?

i doubt so....even though it consist of mostly chubby...unless you are drinking jugs and jug you will gain weight...but earlier you can do that..i think that guy have already died of exhaustion...hahahahaha

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