Vagital Bumps?

I just discovered that I enjoy some bumps around my vagital area. Is this majority? What causes it? Thanks contained by advance.

A grill regarding menstrual cramps?

tiny bumps are probably they don't have any discomfort, etc...and no bleeding or pus...

herpes would be painful blisters...

bartholin cyst (big bump)?

I'm on the pill and spotting. is this everyday?

Depending where the bumps are, they could be ingrown hair if you shave in that nouns. Or some kind of irritation. If youve have unprotected sex or could have come contained by contact with someone or something, approaching a toilet or dirty sheets or something, you could have an std. But ya, if you shave its most credible ingrown hairs. Good Luck !

Need lend a hand here! wat exercises should we do to get a well-toned body?

You didn't influence if it itches or burns. I would probably have to read out that what you are describing isn't normal. I suggest you see your doctor to find out what this is.

Can some one sustain me with my problem?

It could be vaginal wart. Get checked to make sure.

CRAMPS!! torment.?

this could be a number of things, the first thing I infer of is genital warts... consequently a couple of other things come to mind.. See your doc right away, dont leave them for them to find or carry worse, show the doc, tell him/her what it feel like, does it itch, burn, tingle.. and for the time mortal dont have sex near anyone.

best of luck to you, take care
PS your not the with the sole purpose one who has ever have this so don't let anyone construct you feel alone

looks or books?

People commonly describe localized swollen areas on, or under, the skin as lumps or bumps. While bumps on, or underneath, the skin may result from conditions that give rise to a skin unthinking, many other conditions can result within solitary raised lumps on the skin. Infections, tumors, and the body’s response to trauma or injury can adjectives lead to lumps or bumps that appear to be located on or underneath the skin.

Depending upon the end in of skin lumps or bumps, they may vary contained by size and be firm or soft to the touch. The overlying skin may be reddened or ulcerated. Skin bumps may or may not be bleeding or tender, depending upon the cause of the lesion.

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