Women want equal right s but they expect to be treated diff from men?

If you women that cry about wanting equal rights really want that, afterwards when you go out to guzzle pay for partially the bill. stop with the double standard. you want to be treated equally but want to be treated special when it comes to money and other crap. that pretty gay.

If you own taken ortho tri cyclen lo?

Not me. I don't want to go to period of war, I don't want to fight fires, and I do close to doors held open for me. I do close to to make meal for my family, and I love to convey my family out into the world looking their best. I put together my home an oasis for them.
There are family like me and here are people who are different. There should be opportunity for both types.
A woman in the workplace should know how to get rewarded the same as a man contained by an equal position, and should be able to at most minuscule split the bill when going out for meals or entertainment. There are men out near who would enjoy no smaller quantity. These couples enjoy their mutual Independence and can be thoroughly happy.
There are also men close to my husband who are proud to pay the bills. Couples close to us enjoy our dependence on respectively other and appreciate the way we respectively fill a niche surrounded by each others lives.
There is no wrong or right, of late different. Figure out which lifestyle you'd prefer and then look for a woman that will clash it. Sure, some women haven't decided and are straddling the wall, but there are also lots who know what they want.

Should I lose this much weightiness?

I believe in equal rights..If we're doing like job we should procure paid duplicate...if I'm more qualified than you I should get the post.

I also believe in a woman paying her own means of access.

If you ask me on a date you pay...if I ask you after I pay.

If I clear more money than you I pay more regularly.if you make more money than I do next you pay more recurrently.

You sound approaching some body's getting over on you. LOL

Weird period this month?

Shut up. Women enjoy been treated horribly adjectives around the world since Adam and Eve, and the only establishment of Gender Equality was 80 years ago when women could first vote here. It's individual slightly balancing the universe that women are favored surrounded by court issues and that we don't have to repay as much bills.

Stretch marks?

I'm sorry that occasionally when a woman desires to be taken out to dinner by a man that she would like them to take-home pay. Because like it or not, or doesn`t matter what you want to believe, women are not treated equal to men. We never will be. We might want to be..but we never will be. And if you want us to keep doing your laundry, making you dinner, allowing you to own sex with us, and provide you children, I would advise you to basically pay for the dinner.it isn't going to slaughter you.

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