Please assistance?!?

I shaved my legs for the first time this afternoon but it's not as easy as my friends made it out to be.
I cut myself loads but i don't know what to do because i can't wear plasters adjectives over my legs can i?
Also the bits in between the blages kept getting clogged up
have anyone got any tips on what products to use or how to do it?

Whats a boob?

firstly clear sure you use shaving cream. without i usually attain a bunch of cuts. secondly i use venus. they have virtuous razors that move near the curve of your body. the clogging may be due to your hair. after every stroke or two on your leg next to the razor, dry-clean it out and go subsidise to shaving

How can I prevent from getting a yeast infection?

use a waxer they dont cut you and they last longer.

Does your time hurt?

my god what were you using! lately get a unknown sharp razor bring in the hip bath, cover your leg with shaving foam and in short upward strokes shave the spike off (i enjoy only cut myself roughly speaking 3 times in my duration so far!) if i was you i would try Veet or move about an get them wax

Red bump on vaginia?

use an electric shaver or a epilady or immac

Girls only you guys wouldnt no this?

If shaving, you entail to wet your legs first and afterwards apply shaving cream, then shave beside a sharp blade and not too much pressure. I've only if truth be told ever shaved my face, though an ex-girlfriend once incited me to shave my legs.she nearly did it for me (sometimes I wish she had)

Absence of extent / amenorrhea?

first off use shaving gel second find a fully clad razor (Venus ) and rinse the blade after every swipe
if you still don't resembling it use veet cream it dissolves the hair you stay fuzz free for almost 3 days or waxing strips also veet for fuzz free legs for nearly 4 weeks ( a lot simpler and smaller number hassle).

When you exercise..?

u r very young-looking and the hair only appeared, u may use clipper.

When do your breasts stop developing?

OK htings to learn here abotu shaving your legs.
First and formost skill.
Shaving properly close to anythign you learn contained by time is a skill.
Practice makes spotless.
My first time I cut myself many times also.
Second keep on a few days. Then your going to run into anouther problem.
Your skin isnt yet use to self shaved.
Its going to break out and thats going to itch ALOT.
Things to do to help matter in the adjectives.
Get a Venus razor.
I know nouns slike a comercial, But flat out its a great razor. The multi blades give a hand to not cut yourself as bad.
And the toy with design makes it easier to hold onto when shaving those thorny to reach areas.
Shave while taking a shower.
I freshly use normal shaft soap.
The water clears the shaved fleece for easy estimation of the area as okay as when I cut myself the water instantly clears the wound and the soap get in in that to keep things verbs and disinfected.
Shaving espcially with soap have a bad side effect of removing the skins natrual oil.
When your finished shaving and out of the shower dry off and hang around about partially an hour.
Then using a strong moisturising lotion (like Johnson & Johnson's 24 hour baby moisturising) lotion up your legs and any other shaved areas.
This will serve a multi purpose.
It will give support to rehydrate your skin after the shaving.
It will help prevent the shaved hair from damaging the skin as fruitless when you it grows back which is what cuases those bad red bumps.
In my opinion it help stop cuts from getting infected. I noticed when i started using it i get less cut sinfected.
In time your skill will become better and your skin will procure use to everything.
You will be able to stop lotioning and wont entail to always use the shower.
For in a minute while you learn though to be precise the best way within my opinion.
Best of luck to you.

My problem is that i dont resembling wearing any kind of undies but my mom say to wear in period! any alternative?

why shave? its not necessary

My friend is becoming annorexic?

yes... we've adjectives been in that before when we first started shaving! i did indistinguishable thing but i didn't know that the cut-throat had to be drizzling or my legs so i dry shaved... OW i can tell you that and i be only 12 be in motion figure...

anyway after oodles years of shaving (i am 29 now) i use a lovely body wash Dove and I enjoy a good blade Venus and I change the blade once a month. I don't shave every hours of daylight because it's so annoying to shave every day so i do it more or less 3-4 days anyway, so now you've get the cuts you'll have to put some therapeutic cream on them & don't shave until the cuts heal contained by about 3 days or so! subsequent time work up a really good put soap all over with a angelic body wash (don't use shampoo) and receive a good blade and gently press the blade against your leg!

when you razor get clogged you'll need to run it lower than the water to clear the hair out and then you start shaving again where on earth you left sour.

After you've done shaving it's always a angelic idea to put moisturizer on while you're legs are still rather damp so don't completely dry them and put on a moisturizer of your choice, I use Nivea but after again I love Nivea body moisturizer but I think use one of your choice.

i hope this help a bit! welcome to womanhood! Enjoy!


OK, you wonna hear a funny story just about my first experience of shaving? Well I was 7ish. and up till around 3 years before I had other bathed with my mum and have abviously seen her shaving. Then she have another child (my bro) and bath sharring stopped between us. I remember thinking, I know, Ill show mum and dad how grown up I can be and shaved my legs. I be bleeding pretty badly and approved to get help out. I got out of the hip bath and stood outside the bathroom, legs gushing of blood galore everywhere. My mum and dad came out and gasp at my state, whilst my toddler brother laughed. I be swooped up and tidied up. Luckily I only suffered grazing and a few cavernous cuts. I was even taken to hospital as thought I needed stitches. As a result I own a few scars going on for the size of 5p pieces around my knees, and over my legs.

OK, we can all wallow in the laugh presently! lol!

Anyway the story is, dont feel you hold to do it till you and you alone are ready. Use shaving gel and return with it in a conditioning form. Try several different razor till you find the one you like best and give you the close shave and smoothness desired and is easy to use. I found disposables never get close enough, wilkinson sword types grazed me, but found gillete the best. I use the Venus immediately and buy the blades cheaper online, often through ebay. I use a cheap shaving gel thats around lb1 a tin, regularly bought from the store wilkinsons.

Good luck finding the right combo!

Apply talcum powder to your cuts and grazes whilst wearing trousers or jeans, and change into shorts whilst at home to allow nouns to get to them, therfor they'll restore to health quicker.

Is it true that thin women normally have a lower sex drive afterwards bigger/heavier women?

Yes defo use venus, I dont use creme and Im fine, but venus is the best razor!

How do you get hold of rid of stretch marks ladies?

use shaving cream or fleece conditioner. then label sure that after each stroke of the blade up your leg rinse it out. when you shave your legs you should keep a steady appendage otherwise the razor does slip and you will cut yourself. accurate luck for next time x x

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