why is it hard for some womens to sit on top during sex? is 7 1/2 too much for that?


Breakouts from birth control pills?

It is not too much as long as you go slow beside it. The woman may just have need of time to adjust to it is all. Take it slow and make out that certain positions can be tender for women. Just experiment with what feel good for both of you.

Still bleeding a week after sex?

No, it's going on for right.

Chance of pregnancy?

i got 12 inches but even i know you cant still fuckk near that particular position.. fuckk adjectives

Is it possible?

Well imagine if a big intricate stick was poking up into your tummy.not too comfy. No 7 1/2 isn't too big but you have to catch the girl used to sex before trying a bunch of self-conscious positions.

Could i be pregnant or is it the Pill?

No but her 250 lbs Heine is

Women - If you feel menopausal what symptoms do you own?

7 1/2 in may be too much for the hard to please woman that you are with. For most women, putting it in adjectives the way is not where on earth it is at. If the woman isn't used to that size, then it will be harder for her at first to be on top. Take it slowly and you'll do fine

Has anyone have a breast augmentation and what was the outcome.?

Well, you may stipulation to adjust slowly don't be so roughat first, or don't have sex so regularly. And honey 7 1/2 is ok but you try recouping after 91/2!lol!!

PMS Mood Swings?

it really counts on how much a woman can hold

Can someone help me please?!?

7 I/2 MILLIMETERS? no i infer you are a litte short fella!

Maybe I should have have a check up?

No it's nice. 7 1/2 sounds good.

When somebody punch a girl breast does it hurt?

no yours too short

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