White clumpy discharge?

For the pastt week or so, i noticed thatt i've been havingg white clumpyy discharge along near clearrr dischargee. I do nott thinkk i have a yeastt infection becausee nothingg there is itchyy or burningg and the dischargee doesn'tt smell similar to anythingg. Justt to make suree...is itt nothingg to worryy aboutt?

Answers:    Wow...first of all, the double-letters are as ANNOYING AS HELL!

Secondly, it could thoroughly well still be yeast. You don't have to hold EVERY symptom in order to enjoy an infection. Clumpy discharge is usually one of the two hallmarks (along with itching).

Talk to your mother and ask to see your doctor. The longer it go on being untreated, the worse things will get..
its freshly that u r close getting ur period. then its gonna start getting brown.. later red... ur period. lol.


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