OMG Skin Problem or hygiene?? how do u get rid of this?

my sister is in big school and she get reaaaalllly HEAVY PERIODS,( i havent had mine all the same!!)she lives in san diego and its really hot in that, so when she sits down with adjectives of her pads ( she doesnt resembling tampons) and she isnt allowed to go to the bathroom she ends up listen to lectures in hot sticky drizzly pads and she get this pimple like things around her butt (EEWWW) i involve her to get rid of this up to that time she borrows my bikini, how should she get rid of this, BECAUSE ITS GROSSIN ME OUT AND EWWWW!!Oh and in that not sores or anything like and STD!!

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It could be newly a rash as surrounded by like a nappy unthinking, because of not being competent to change her wad when necessary.. She should bring back a note sent to the college to say that she is allowed to dance and change her pad when necessary. Tell her to gain herself some nappy rash cream and apply to the pimple similar to things. If that doesn't clear it up she should go and see her doctor.

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It sounds like a bit of an allergic hostile response to the pad. Maybe she should try a different brand or perchance a smaller one that doesn't quite arrive at back so far. Either road, if she's going to still borrow your bikini, just bath it first before you wear it again.

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doesn't like tampons? LOL, sounds to me resembling she doesn't like using pad.. tell her to use tampons!

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first of all, a bikini is close to underwear and no two people should wear respectively others underwear even if they are sisters... tell her that you don't be aware of comfortable sharing something like that next to her ( think of it similar to this -you wouldn't wash your vagina near the same towel as she wash hers with would you) no i don't muse so ... remember your health is severely important


Thats gross...I've never hear of anything like that formerly. I'm in glorious school and I've not be able to coppers my pads for a long time and that's never happen. Tell her to go to the doctors, it could be another problem thats not related to the pad. Either way, the doctor will transmit her what to do to get rid of it.

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