By 13 what doctors should a 13 year old girl have visited?

I've only see a dentist, orthodontist, regular doctor and a chyropractor. Is there some other doctors I should see and what should I see them for?

Birth control?

If you hold had your first menstrual cycle (period), you requirement to visit a gynecologist for an exam once a year. You should also be examined by a dermatologist, especially if you enjoy moles so the doctor can "map" them (draw a picture) and use it to compare later within life (to check for skin cancer or other skin conditions when you are older). If your parents enjoy the money, it's always a apposite idea to own a nutritionist check you out, too. Good luck!

Why do girls cry when they vomit?

are u obese if not dont verbs about it!! :D x x x

Should i whip another Yasmin Pill?

you are fine. you dont need a gynocologist until you start have sex or plan to start, so you can get birth control pills.

What do u guys infer I have foul odor, yellowish discharge, itching, and urgency to urinate.?


Vitamin and supplement you cant bring together?

Sweetie, that's grown folks business.

Your parents seem to be doing a appropriate job so far. Leave it surrounded by their capable hand.

Wow.this is a child that is taking control of her enthusiasm! I see great things in her future!

My friend requirements help!! GIRLS ONLY!! NO GUYS PLEASE!?

A Psychologist. Most females 13 years behind the times have a host of so-called "issues" to resolve. Most of which are pointless.

What is wrong beside me?

If you are asking if you should see a gynaecologist, no, not yet. Women usually set off seeing a gynaecologist after they have lost their virginity. The aim being that at a gynaecological call round an internal exam is usually done and they will not do this on a woman who has not lost her virginity unless in that is something wrong of great concern. So the doctors you have see are enough at this age.

It is complex to know what you mean. You are a KID. I own four of them and they have see a GP(general practitioner) and one saw a Paediatric specialist but geez lighten up, you aren't supposed to be worrying something like what doctors you haven't seen all the same.

can you over dose on cranberry extract if you think you might own a uti?

only those when she needs injections or when she is sick
u dont want to fritter away ure life contained by a doctors surgery

Since around oct last year my tummy have been swelling up on masses occasions within the last three months i hold pu

Sweetie, your to young to be verbs about adjectives of this. Go have fun and be a KID while you can! :) Let your parents verbs about that, OK? Take support:)

Should spotting instead of having an actual menstrual extent be alarming? I had a tubal 3 years ago.?

If you hold had your first menstrual cycle (period), you necessitate to visit a gynecologist and don't verbs.Enjoy ur life


The solitary dr that you really need to see for medical check ups is your regular dr and the optometrist (eye dr). If at hand is something wrong such as with your girl parts they may distribute you to a gynecologist.

In relation to the issue of virgins not getting exams annually from their dr whether it's a gynecologist or their regular dr unless something is wrong, that isn't always true. Many draw from their annual exam for that area starting at 18 or 21 years older even though they are a virgin.

I'm a 35 year old virgin and I receive my annual exam for that area done every year. I have it done thru my regular dr for years until I started having problems at hand in my girl parts and afterwards I turned it over to my gynecologist.

But to recap, the only dr you really want to see right now for medical stuff is your regular dr and the optometrist (eye dr). Your regular dr will permit you and your parents know if other specialists need to come contained by to the picture if something is wrong.

Please, i want to know if i can make luv during clomid administation?

no be kool

When does a woman ovaulate, up to that time during or after her cycle?

There is no reason to see any other doctors unless you necessitate to. I don't know why someone your age would even worry just about this.

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