what causes tiny little red thread veins on the legs? is this a sign of ageing?


when do girls stop growing?

Varicose veins

I am 22 yrs frail, 5'1" tall, and wear a bra size of 42G.?

Varicose vein
Arteries carry blood from your heart to the rest of your tissues. Veins return blood from the rest of your body to your heart, so the blood can be recirculated. To return blood to your heart, the vein in your legs must work against gravity. Muscle contractions in your lower legs act as pumps, while toned, pliable vein walls oblige blood return to your heart. Tiny one-way valves contained by your veins unfurl as blood flows toward your heart then close to stop blood from flowing towards the back.

Varicose veins ensue when the valves within your veins problem. As you get elder your veins can lose elasticity, cause them to stretch. When this happens, blood that should be moving toward your heart may flow to the rear. Blood pools in your vein, and your veins blow up and become varicose. The veins appear blue because they contain deoxygenated blood, which is in the process of anyone recirculated.

Some pregnant women develop varicose veins. Pregnancy increases the volume of blood in your body, but decrease the flow of blood from your legs to your pelvis. This circulatory change is designed to support the growing fetus, but it can produce an wretched side effect — enlarged veins contained by your legs. Varicose veins may surface for the first time or may worsen during in arrears pregnancy, when your uterus exerts greater pressure on the veins within your legs. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins located contained by and around the anus.

I need minister to?

I'm not sure but I do know that my sister stand 's alot for her job and she have the same but i don't regard as its a sign of ageing, I think its basically too much time on your feet. hope this help!

Painful Sex?

What Causes Spider Veins or Telangiectasias?

Spider veins are cause by similar factors that grounds varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency. These factor include:


Most women with spider vein have mothers and/or womanly relatives with this capillary condition. Weak vein walls and valve, as well as shortage of capillary valves, come across to be inherited characteristics, and may play a role surrounded by determining who develops spider veins and at what age.


During pregnancy, and to a poorer degree also during period, fluctuations in the womanly sex hormone (especially estrogen and progesterone), cause softening of the artery walls and valves. This make women's veins more prone to stretching and intensification with increased pressure.

Increased blood volume, which is needed to provide circulation to the fetus, also motive increased pressure on the vein walls. The growing fetus also exerts pressure on the pelvis, which in turn, exerts pressure on the leg vein.

Some women see spider veins that develop during their pregnancies and stick with after their baby is born. Other see that their vein disappear after the baby is born, simply to reappear later within life.

Prolonged standing and sitting

Prolonged standing and sitting impose a great amount of pressure to develop in the leg vein. In both conditions, the calf muscles are inactive and hence cannot help push the venous blood to return to the heart. This cause blood to pool in the vein, thus resulting in increased pressure on the vein walls.

This pressure drops once one begin to walk, so if your career requires you to stand or sit for prolonged periods, remember to purloin short breaks and walk around for a couple of minutes every hour.


In some family, spider veins appear after injury or trauma to the capillary, such as after a broken ankle, surgery, car quirk, or sports injury.

These are not varicose veins as mentioned by other answerers. Varicose vein are the large ropy type of vein in the legs that may be removed surgically.

I am 19yrs and my menses havent come since final year! pls help!anyone/friends have this problem?

Varicose veins are usually inherent, and are exacerbated by obesity or individual on your feet adjectives the time, especially on concrete floors & such. They can be removed with a laser.

im im fell light head, tired especially at work, always hungry but my time was 4 daylight late and i have no?

these are called spider vein. They are shallower and usually found on the legs. Its causes are prolonged standing, poor leg circulation,and pregnancy Other cause are heredity, trauma and hormonal level and aging and more predominant with women. .One course to prevent it, is walk around surrounded by between standing for long periods. Use of Ted hose stockings and compression type bandage on it.,or surgical support hose which provides leg compression. Methods of treatment include laser, schlerotherapy via the use of saline injections. Varicose veins are deeper and more tortuosed and revolting looking. . These should be attended to before they turn into leg ulcer and phlebitis. Symptoms may vary from a burning sensation to torment.

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