Do women/girls dream when they are asleep?



What? Do you think that single men are intellectually advanced enough to dream? Stupid query. Most - if not adjectives - people dream when they sleep.

Bigger breasts?

Yes, everyone dreams during sleep.

Can a women spell last more than it surpose to, it that middle-of-the-road ?

All the time! In colour too!

Why does stress cause breakouts?

After they see me, yes, formerly, no!

Im a teenage girl and i love to..anyone know around this?

i do every night

What's the youngest you can be to be a object of breast cancer?

sure i know i do

Is it weird?

Sure do..


no, we organise the light of day ahead, duh of course we dream!

Whats the best process to get an orgasm?

Do men bash the bishop?!

Anyone be to doc for hemorrhoids?

yes they dream everybody do.

how can you tell if a man is serious?


Tubes tied 4mths ago .. Period Help!?

Of course we dream when we are sleep..

Is near a way to fashion ur boobs bigger or butt bigger?

of course, duh

Pro Stap 3?

this is the dumbest question i enjoy ever came across, okay one of them!! how old r u? dont u dream? as you would expect everyone dreams? retard

how many calories should a girl put away when she plays basketball and she weighs 135 - 145 ibs?

corse they do duh

If its not MS what could it be?

do men use their brains? in your casing i think not. men and women belong to alike genus, homo sapiens, we have drastically similar neural pathways and be in motion throught the same brain cut-out changes. so to answer your request for information yes, we do. unless it suppressed by psychological factors, medication or recreational drugs but these can affect men too.


Question for the girls?

What helpful of dream? Normal, or wet? We adjectives dream, but as for sex dreams causing orgasms, I own never had one.

can PCOS a moment ago disappear without any measurable reason?

thats resembling asking if we pee when we got to the toilet!! you do realise that women are human beings freshly like men dont you? suprised? your an idiot.

Can someone present me a several weeks program on developing the lats?

Yeah, usually nightmares about womenanswers.orgs and not mortal able to turn it rotten!

Is 3 months in a row for skipping my time bad or too much?

what is within your mind? They dream!! almost about anything, communicate about it, they are all set to add it to their dream detail tonight. Dreams show that ones brain is processing the information that was added during the previous hours, they be nightmares or what, May I know why you own asked the question? Good time

What are your thoughts on thisb/c press?

what kind of interview is that!?! Of course we do!

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