Tubes tied 4mths ago .. Period Help!?

I had my tubes tied 4mths ago when i have my daughter by C-section. I am now on my 3rd time of year since her birth. The first time i got them after she be born they were terribly light, i be'nt even sure if i could say it be my period until subsequent mth same time i got them again this time VERY filling!I know my bodys getting back to typical after her birth but with my other children they go back to mundane straight away. Normal to me was pouring (what i thought was) for the first 2days and then it would slow down & stop, i have them 5-6days. They have be irregular ever since i started getting them at age 11. The last 2mths hold been horrible when ive gotten them, Bad cramping, no drive, sleepy all the time and for first 3 days VERY VERY substantial. Filling a whole wipe in a few hrs(a wad for heavy) and at night ive be wearing a pad ment for materinity & when i return with up 8hrs later its primed to overflow (b4 at night i barley bleed) Has anyone have similar problems? Or ideas on what i can do? Thank You!


I would definately see a doc it could be a sign of endometriosis

Weird Period?

Yes, I am currently in impossible to tell apart situation. I had my tubes tied after three kids. And WOW! what a difference than from since. But a year out of it, it does get better.

I found out that to oblige the energy be to take my prenatal vitamins during my extent. I stayed warm in principal my back , legs, and stomach. If you don't hold a heating wad you can use a sock with rice contained by it (warm it up in the microwave, It will style of stink) , or use a bottle (any kind) with thaw water within it. Heat helps next to the cramps. Take some Tylenol or Ibuprofen. If you have to rest next REST...take caution of your self when your feeling lower than the weather.
My doctor told me that it takes a while for a woman's body to return to "normal" , what ever that may be. Your flow and routines next to change after respectively kid. Before my first I didn't know what a cramp was. LOL...

I double up overnight pad with the wing on it. I have found that how ever i shift it wont block and leave me protected.

I hope this help. And i hope you feel better.

Birth Control Pill-Ortho tricyclen?

YES! I know what you are going through. I started mine at age 9, and i enjoy been have problems since. I got my tubes tied within 1997, and my periods have been worse. I hurt and flood more since I have my tubes tied. I have be to doctors, but they say it is middle-of-the-road. BULL! A lot of people hold told me , when you have your tubes tied, it messes you up. I believe it. There is some category of devise they can put inside of you, and it will stop your periods, but it will cart about 3 to 6 months for your period to stop. But atleast you don't flood and hurt so bad. I hope this help you.

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